Publications des agents du Cirad


The International Society of Camelid Research and Development : a challenge for the camel scientist community

Faye B., Alhadrami G., Khallafala A., Bornstein S., Touhami K., Al-Jassim R.. 2011. In : Bridging knowledge and technology gaps in camel production : Proceedings of the International Conference on Camel Research and Development, Jiijga, Ethiopia, October 27-29th 2011 ; eds. S. Bediye, S. Tilahun, G. Animut, M. Egie and T Getahun. Jigjiga : ICCED, 7 p.. International Conference on Camel Research and Development, 2011-10-27/2011-10-29, Jiijiga (Ethiopie).

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