Esnouf C., Russel M., Bricas N.. 2013. In : Esnouf Catherine (ed.), Russel Marie (ed.), Bricas Nicolas (ed.). Food system sustainability : Insights from duALIne. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, p. 233-246.
Because of the approaches adopted according to their links to and potential impacts on food sustainability, the discussions that took place in the context of duALlne were designed to compile an inventory of the principal determinants goveming past trends in food systems, to identifY the critical points in these systems with respect to environmental, social, health and economie issues, and finally to highlight research questions that could be addressed by programmes in the future. This conclusion presents the main findings of this analysis, a summary of the research themes determined, subjects that still need to be explored and the prospects offered.
Mots-clés : alimentation humaine; comportement alimentaire; urbanisation; durabilité; migration; gouvernance; stabilisation du marché; méthodologie; sécurité alimentaire; pauvreté; pays en développement; évaluation de l'impact sur l'environnement; analyse de système; filière
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Agents Cirad, auteurs de cette publication :
- Bricas Nicolas — Es / UMR MOISA