Publications des agents du Cirad


Molecular diagnosis of the Coconut Lethal Yellowing Disease in Mozambique : Consultancy report, mission 4 under the contract N° 01/MU/11

Pilet F.. 2013. Montpellier : CIRAD-BIOS, 20 p..

The purpose of this fourth appraisal mission on the molecular diagnosis of Lethal Yellowing for the MCA-FISP project was to analyse the results obtained by the Quelimane laboratory since the beginning of the year. The laboratory is perfectly operational. The CLYD molecular diagnosis results obtained by the laboratory appear to be perfectly satisfactory with a very low sample contamination rate. The number of positive samples is low, but that is coherent with the mission of the laboratory. The quantitative objectives remain lower than initially defined due to a shortage of staff. The laboratory could devote a larger share of its activities to establishing a collection of samples representative of CLYD in Mozambique.

Documents associés

Rapport de mission

Agents Cirad, auteurs de cette publication :