The Congo basin: low rates of deforestation but multiple threats
Gond V.. 2013. In : Losch Bruno (ed.), Magrin Géraud (ed.), Imbernon Jacques (ed.). A new emerging rural world : An overview of rural change in Africa. Montpellier : CIRAD, p. 40-41.
Taken as a whole, the forest block in Central Africa is the second largest tropical rainforest in the world. Over recent decades, it has undergone dispersed deforestation, mainly due to traditional activities: itinerant slash and burn agriculture, harvesting of fuelwood, and timber production. Today, the most serious threat is the fragmentation of vegetation cover by roads, in addition to the absence of any regulation in conflict zones.
Mots-clés : forêt tropicale humide; déboisement; culture itinérante; bois; bois de chauffage; foresterie; cartographie; télédétection; végétation; route; gestion des ressources naturelles; bois énergie; afrique centrale; fleuve congo; république centrafricaine; république démocratique du congo; cameroun; bois d'oeuvre; déforestation
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