Publications des agents du Cirad


The date palm oases at the origin of favorable atmosphere of palm groves

Amrani K., Toutain G., Dollé V.. 2013. In : Bouguedoura Nadia (ed.), Bennaceur Malika (ed.), Pintaud Jean-Christophe (ed.). Proceedings of the First International Symposium on date palm, Algiers, Algeria, November 13-14, 2011. Louvain : ISHS [Belgique], p. 79-86. (Acta Horticulturae, 994). International Symposium on date palm. 1, 2011-11-13/2011-11-14, Alger (Algérie).

The present announcement aims to purpose a program for the enduring development of the oasis agronomical system. It has to be done so as to get a highly developing fertility of palm groves and improvement of the resilience ability of the ecosystem. In order to do this, a very accurate diagnosis has to be carried out. It is based on evaluation grids of the biodiversity which requires taking into account various factors: agro-ecological, sociological and economic. This is one of the essential points of the present announcement in order to offer a tool to help make the decision to set up a preservation, restoration and maintenance program of biodiversity. This diagnosis will make it possible to assess the frailties of the agricultural system and the possible future improvements to be made. The design and development of this tool rely on the protection of natural resources and socio-economic values, which characterizes long-lasting agriculture. This grid consists in quantifying the various components of the oasis agricultural system by giving indicators a numbered mark. Decisions will be made depending on the marked indicators. Methodology consist to make phoenicicultural unities inside date palm oases and each unit will be analyzed from EDAO (Evaluation of Durability of Agro-ecosystem Oases) grids. Each indicator has capacity to give real assessment of the date palm situation and area research will be axis on weakness parameters. These alteration works would be at the origin of favorable atmosphere of palm groves.

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