Publications des agents du Cirad


Predictive modeling of west nile virus transmission risk in the mediterranean basin: How far from landing?

Chevalier V., Tran A., Durand B.. 2014. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 11 (1) : p. 67-90.

DOI: 10.3390/ijerph110100067

The impact on human and horse health of West Nile fever (WNF) recently and dramatically increased in Europe and neighboring countries. Involving several mosquito and wild bird species, WNF epidemiology is complex. Despite the implementation of surveillance systems in several countries of concern, and due to a lack of knowledge, outbreak occurrence remains unpredictable. Statistical models may help identifying transmission risk factors. When spatialized, they provide tools to identify areas that are suitable for West Nile virus transmission. Mathematical models may be used to improve our understanding of epidemiological process involved, to evaluate the impact of environmental changes or test the efficiency of control measures. We propose a systematic literature review of publications aiming at modeling the processes involved in WNF transmission in the Mediterranean Basin. The relevance of the corresponding models as predictive tools for risk mapping, early warning and for the design of surveillance systems in a changing environment is analyzed.

Mots-clés : flavivirus; transmission des maladies; modèle mathématique; modèle de simulation; analyse du risque; épidémiologie; surveillance épidémiologique; cartographie; distribution géographique; télédétection; facteur du milieu; facteur climatique; facteur de risque; paysage; oiseau; migration animale; cheval; santé animale; santé publique; système d'alerte rapide; région méditerranéenne; europe; fièvre du nil occidental

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