Publications des agents du Cirad


The circulation of IPBES non-state actors between biodiversity and climate regimes

Oubenal M., Hrabanski M., Pesche D.. 2014. In : Networks in Global Environmental Governance, 7th WIRE, Bruxelles, Belgique, 16-17 mai 2014. s.l. : s.n., 19 p.. Workshop on International Relations. 7, 2014-05-16/2014-05-17, Bruxelles (Belgique).

The International PIatform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (1 PB ES) has been established together with a process of non-state actors (NSAs) involvement. Studies that do recognize the diversity of NSAs use only broad categories: business NG0s, environmental NG0s, etc. Here we attempt to calibrate more finely the rich diversity of NSAs. This article conducts a network analysis of the non-state organizations involved in IPBES. It develops a typology of NSAs and identifies characteristics that potentially affect the effectiveness of these actors in influencing policymaking. We suggest that the influence of NSAs relies not only on three interlinked resources: power (organizational, material and ideational), combined with access, and centrality but also on actor's relational capacities, and particularly their capacity to circulate within the institutional complexity of global environmental governance. The resulting typology has considerable policy implications. Most importantly, some of the NSAs characteristics could affect their ability to position themselves and the extent to which they could influence global policymaking processes.

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