SIFR project: the semantic indexing of French biomedical data resources
Lossio Ventura J.A., Jonquet C., Roche M., Teisseire M.. 2014. In : Lossio-Ventura Juan Antonio (ed.), Alatrista-Salas Hugo (ed.). SIMBig 2014. Information management and big data. Montpellier : CEUR-WS, p. 58-61. (CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 1318). Symposium on Information Management and Big Data (SIMBig'2014), 2014-09-08/2014-09-10, Cusco (Pérou).
The Semantic Indexing of French Biomedical Data Resources project proposes to investigate the scientific and technical challenges in building ontology-based services to leverage biomedical ontologies and terminologies in indexing, mining and retrieval of French biomedical data.
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Communication de congrès
Agents Cirad, auteurs de cette publication :
- Roche Mathieu — Es / UMR TETIS