PolÃticas públicas para as agriculturas familiares: rumo a um modelo Latino-americano?
Sabourin E.. 2015. Rio de Janeiro : CPDA, p. 1-16. Sessão Comemorativa OPPA - 10 anos, 2015-08-27/2015-08-27, Rio de Janeiro (Brésil).
Based on the results of a study applied in eleven countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, this text examines the existence of a Latin American model of public policies for agriculture and the modalities for its regional dissemination. Alongside this regional process of institutionalization of the category of "family farming", we can is observed the constitution of "policy mix" between sectorial thematic, transversal and multi- sectorial instruments, that challenge the coordination between different forms of public policies.
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Communication de congrès
Agents Cirad, auteurs de cette publication :
- Sabourin Eric — Es / UMR ART-DEV