Participatory approach for the integrated management of a wet ecosystem in a context of climate change: Inner Niger Delta (Mali). [P-3330-82]
Zare A., Barbier B., Abdoulaye D., Bologo-Traoré M.. 2015. In : Our Common Future under Climate Change. International scientific conference Abstract Book 7-10 July 2015. Paris, France. Paris : CFCC15, p. 623-623. Our Common Future under Climate Change, 2015-07-07/2015-07-10, Paris (France).
Long about 4100 km, the Niger River in its central part in Mali, extends an area which can reach 40.000km2 called the Inner Niger Delta. Largest wetland in West Africa, delta's hydrosystem is constituted by main branches, effluents and distributaries of the river, ponds rosaries, large lakes and channels. Right in the Sahel, the delta is an important productive ecosystem with a rich biodiversity. One million person derive their livelihood from this ecosystem through key activities such as fishing, livestock and agriculture mainly rice farming. With the climate crisis of the 70s, the Niger River Basin and its tributaries are subjected to high rainfall deficit causing a flood decrease in the delta. This resulted in a reduction of 50% of inundated areas. The climate crisis affects the socio-economic activities because the productivity is related to the hydrological regime and maximum areas inundated. There is also a demographic pressure leading to overexploitation and degradation of the delta ecosystem. This situation is not without creating tension in the management of resources, including use conflicts such as agricultural encroachment on pastoral areas; the non respect of transhumance calendar, use of prohibited fishing gear. The delta resources dwindle and production systems degrade and populations have to adapt. Thus in this study we have developed with local stakeholders, sustainable management strategies of delta resources to deal with the marked variability of climate and demographic pressure. Strategies are a combination of technical options and economic instruments. Technical options include options locally developed complemented by a literature review covering WOCAT (World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies) technicals. Economic instruments have been selected with tools like the DST and DES developed in the frame of AFROMAISON project. The approach adopted is participative, mainly based on focus groups and workshops with stakeholders. Strat
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Agents Cirad, auteurs de cette publication :
- Barbier Bruno — Es / UMR G-EAU