Socio-economic conditions of horticultural diversification in cocoa production systems in Southern Cameroon
Temple L., Minkoua Nzie J.R.. 2015. In : Ruf François (ed.), Schroth Götz (ed.). Economics and ecology of diversification: the case of tropical tree crops. Dordrecht : Springer; Ed. Quae, p. 239-251.
Two important changes in the economic environment of cocoa farmers in southern Cameroon have taken place over the last 15 years. On one hand, the growth of urban markets has created new market opportunities for food and horticultural crops.
Mots-clés : theobroma cacao; environnement socioéconomique; diversification; plante de culture; système de culture; horticulture; analyse économique; exploitation agricole familiale; enquête sur les exploitations agricoles; choix des espèces; typologie; rôle des femmes; sociologie rurale; système de production; cameroun
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Agents Cirad, auteurs de cette publication :
- Temple Ludovic — Es / UMR Innovation