Publications des agents du Cirad


Spatialized production models for sustainable palm oil in Central Africa: Choices and potentials

Feintrenie L., Gazull L., Goulaouic R., Miaro L.. 2016. In : Scaling up Responsible Land Governance. Washington : The World Bank, 18 p.. Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty. 17, 2016-03-14/2016-03-17, Washington (Etats-Unis).

The communication presents an analysis of lands potentially favorable to the production of sustainable palm oil in accordance with the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) principles and criteria, in 5 countries: Cameroon, Gabon, Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo and Central African Republic. A spatial modeling exercise locates the areas (I) suitable to oil palm, (II) available after taking into account the RSPO social and environmental constraints, (III) profitable according to various production models. The two production models tested consist of an industry associated with out-growers, and smallholders' plantations associated with family extraction and micro oil mills. The smallholders model was declined in two scenarios, the first regarding as available only lands currently not-cultivated, the second authorizing the plantation of palm trees on lands used for commercial crops at a minimal distance of 2 km of villages (reserved for food-crops). The maps generated are useful decision-making tools.

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