Publications des agents du Cirad


The protection of traditional knowledge and subsistence rights of indigenous people and local communities

Karpe P., Boutinot L., Aubert S.. 2016. In : Plinio Sist (ed.), Stéphanie Carrière (ed.), Pia Parolin (ed.), Pierre-Michel Forget (ed.). Tropical ecology and society reconciliating conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. Program and abstracts. Storrs : ATBC, p. 309. Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation (ATBC 2016), 2016-06-19/2016-06-23, Montpellier (France).

Mise en perspective historique des droits de chasse <=> un droit qui, depuis l'époque coloniale évolue entre "droit des indigènes, droit des commercants et intérêt général (quelle prise en compte des savoirs et des pratiques par le droit ? Ceci permet de contextualiser la problèmatique de la prise en compte des populations locales et autochtones dans la gestion des ressources cynégétiques Engaging local communities into sustainable wildlife utilization practices fundamentally requires improving the rule of law, including strengthening the history, the knowledge and effectiveness of the law. How and to what extent can the recognition indigenous peoples' rights contribute to this objective in Central Africa? Which rights and for whose benefit? The relevant international framework (Indigenous people rights declaration UN 2007 now recommends the general recognition of the right of indigenous peoples to self-determination, including their right be secure in the enjoyment of their own means of subsistence and development and their right to participate in local and national decision-making and management. It also obliges the recognition of their specific right to space and resources they have traditionally owned, occupied or otherwise used or acquired, according to their own customs and traditions. This last right seems to be progressively recognized, especially because traditional ecological knowledges are now considered useful for sustainable development. For example, such recognition is now part of several standards of Forest Certification (eg FSC) of logging companies. But in many cases this seeming recognition of rights remains absolutely ambiguous in Central Africa. For instance, in Cameroon, both indigenous ("Pygmies") peoples and their neighbors (subsumed under the generic term "Bantu") are compelled to integrate "Forests Peasants Committees" prior to legally benefit from their wildlife resources. Such committees remain however largely ineffective, mainly because t

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