Youth employment: A challenge for the continent
Losch B.. 2016. In : Pesche Denis (ed.), Losch Bruno (ed.), Imbernon Jacques (ed.). A new emerging rural world - an overview of rural change in Africa. Montpellier : Cirad, Nepad, p. 18-19.
The working age population in Africa is young and growing in size, constituting a key asset for the development of the continent. But it is also a major challenge, as the massive influx of young people into unstructured labour markets is causing serious problems. This challenge calls for proactive public policies focusing on training and support for labour-intensive sectors.
Mots-clés : emploi; jeunesse; marché du travail; population active; population rurale; population urbaine; croissance de la population; développement économique; jeune travailleur; afrique
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