Panda or Hydra? The untold stories of drip irrigation
Kuper M., Venot J.P., Zwarteveen M.. 2017. In : Venot Jean-Philippe (ed.), Kuper Marcel (ed.), Zwarteveen Margreet (ed.). Drip irrigation for agriculture: untold stories of efficiency, innovation and development. Abingdon : Routledge, p. 1-15. (Earthscan Studies in Water Resource Management).
The introduction to this book sets out to question why the belief that drip irrigation is a promising technology to save water, modernize agriculture and help the poor remains powerfully intact, despite growing evidence of more contrasted field situations. It pleads for going beyond these narratives to understand the multiple realities of drip irrigation-in-use. This allows showing that drip irrigation is not only a technology but part of broader societal and environmental changes. Unraveling these untold stories raises questions about the accountability and responsibilities over these changes.
Mots-clés : irrigation goutte à goutte; efficience d'utilisation de l'eau; innovation; développement agricole; histoire; conservation de l'eau; utilisation de l'eau; eau d'irrigation; adoption de l'innovation; changement technologique; sociologie
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Agents Cirad, auteurs de cette publication :
- Kuper Marcel — Es / UMR G-EAU