Publications des agents du Cirad


D Report on near-market consumer testing of new improved products in Europe for Group 3. Project AFTER “African Food Tradition rEvisited by Research”

Monteiro M.J., Pintado A.I.E., Cissé M., Costa A.I.A., Fliedel G., Bechoff A., Maraval I., Boucher M., Pallet D., Tomlins K.I., Pintado M.M.E.. 2015. s.l. : Projet AFTER; Union Européenne, 51 p..

This deliverable describe the main results concerning the studies of European consumer acceptance of reengineered products from group 3 (plant based extracts for functional foods) in order to understand acceptance in EU markets and facilitate their promotion and introduction in these markets. The products belonging to this group were Bissap - Hibiscus sabdariffa L., Baobab - Adansonia digitata L. and Jaabi - Ziziphus mauritiana Lam, but only Bissap and Baobab were submitted to European consumers testing. The methodological approach performed to establish consumer's acceptance and sensory profile included consumer hedonic acceptance, Just-About-Right intensity evaluation of specific descriptors (JAR) and Check-All-That-Apply questions (CATA). Results on 4 reengineered Baobab fruit juices used in this consumer test showed that all fruit juices were evaluated as very sweet and slightly fruity flavour and very light colour and were in the acceptable range since the average scores were between 5 (neither like nor dislike) and 7 (like moderately), which can be considered satisfactory taking into account that the Baobab is not commonly consumed in Europe and even unknown to the public. For all the samples assessed the diluted from Syrup from Baobab fruit pulp (BSFP) showed to be the most appreciated and obtained a positive value on the consumption probability, possibly because this sample showed the highest values in the fruit odour and intensity and colour hue. Results on 2 reengineered bissap drinks - an ultra-vacuum concentrate and a syrup evaluated in Europe by comparable consumers' samples in France, Portugal and United Kingdom, along with a hibiscus infusion prepared freshly from ground dried calyces, showed that all the hibiscus drinks evaluated were in average positively appreciated by consumers, however new drinks were significantly more appreciated then the traditional infusion. Similar preference profiles were observed across countries although French participan

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