Articulating national and local policies for the adoption of climate smart agricultural practices: conditions of success and bottlenecks
Loboguerrero A.M., Le Coq J.F.. 2017. Montevideo : UDELAR, 1 p.. Congreso Latinoamericano de Ciencia Politica. 9, 2017-07-26/2017-07-28, Montevideo (Uruguay).
Cross level and cross sectorial policy articulations are a key issue for trans-sectorial processes such as environment and development (including climate change and food security). This communication explores the different issues regarding articulation in policy process. Relying on examples fr om climate change, agricultural, and food security policies that may foster adoption of Climate Smart Agriculture practices in Latin America, we analyze the different forms of cross level articulation during the policy definition and implementation process, identify the main bottlenecks for better coordination process among levels, and discuss application of methods and tools to tackle those bottlenecks. We finally argue that understanding the bottlenecks and tackling national and local policy articulation interface is crucial to create more effective policies to foster Climate Smart Agriculture adoption. (Texte intégral)
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Communication de congrès
Agents Cirad, auteurs de cette publication :
- Le Coq Jean-François — Es / UMR ART-DEV