Trajectories of innovation in conservation agriculture at Lake Alaotra in Madagascar
Penot E., Fevre V., Flodrops P.. 2018. In : Temple Ludovic (ed.), Compaore Sawadogo Eveline M.F.W. (ed.). Innovation processes in agro-ecological transitions in developing countries. Londres : ISTE; Wiley, p. 71-93. (Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Management Series, Innovation in Engineering and Technology Set, 2).
The Lake Alaotra area is a Madagascan rice bowl with many soil and climatic constraints. Through sustainable agricultural development, research bodies have disseminated conservation agriculture (CA) techniques with the BV-Lac development project from 2003 to 2013. As defined by the FAO in 2008, CA has three principles: (1) minimum soil disturbance, (2) soil protection by vegetation cover and (3) crop rotation and plant combination, which requires a double paradigm shift in terms of cropping patterns and strategies. A survey conducted in 2013/2014 showed that during the project, farmers adapted CA techniques to their own constraints in a long learning process leading to a continuum of practices between conventional agriculture and CA through recombination of knowledge.
Mots-clés : agroécologie; système de culture; biodiversité; lac; rotation culturale; conservation des ressources; madagascar
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Agents Cirad, auteurs de cette publication :
- Penot Eric — Es / UMR Innovation