Publications des agents du Cirad


Lower deforestation rates in the Brazilian Amazon. Supporting farm forestry

Sist P., Mazzei L., Sablayrolles P.. 2013. Perspective (22) : p. 1-4.

DOI: 10.19182/agritrop/00041

Since 2004, thanks to a monitoring and repression policy, deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon has decreased substantially. If this trend is to continue, smallholder farmers need support to enable them to take advantage of their forest resources and to develop ecologically intensive agricultural systems.

Mots-clés : forêt; forêt tropicale; déboisement; protection de la forêt; utilisation des terres; gestion des ressources naturelles; petite exploitation agricole; agroécologie; agroécosystème; approche participative; aménagement forestier; forêt collective; pratique culturale; crédit; financement; formation agricole; développement agricole; politique de développement; politique foncière; exploitation forestière; document d'orientation; amazonie; brésil; forêt communale

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Article (b-revue à comité de lecture)

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