AGRIBALYSE: from database to ecodesign. Learnings from France to promote ecodesign in the food sector
Colomb V., Auberger J., Biard Y., Causse S., Coignac J., De Nale M., Espagnol S., Grasselly D., Joly X., Mousset J., Naviaux P., Perrin A., Tailleur A.. 2018. In : Rattanawan Mungkung (ed.), Shabbir H. Gheewala (ed.). Book of abstracts of the 11th International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment of Food 2018 (LCA Food) "Global food challenges towards sustainable consumption and production". Bangkok : Life Cycle Assessment, p. 132-132. International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment of Food 2018 (LCA Food). 11, 2018-10-16/2018-10-20, Bangkok (Thaïlande).
French agricultural stakeholders promote LCA approach through AGRIBALYSE program, providing a national food LCI database and methodology. Through the years, the program has evolved deeply, priorities shifting from an “eco-labelling”/Environmental declaration program scheme to ecodesign. This raises new challenges. Indeed providing a national LCI Database is not enough to support the application of eco-design in the agrifood sector. Ecodesign approach raises different challenges depending on the project leader: farmer organization, food processing SME or multinational, retailers or catering firms. Ecodesign requires the ability to assess innovative agricultural practices: data is required as well as emission models accurate enough to capture fluxes variations associated to practice change. This leads to move away from mostly used IPCC Tier 1 models and to include more diverse soil occupation ( crop rotation, mixed crop, agroforestry etc. ) . Also LCA indicators are still not enough to encompass main sustainability challenges of food system and must be completed by complementary indicators such as biodiversity, and animal welfare, and possibly more social indicators in the future. Through about 30 food eco-design pilots projects supported in France from 2016-2020, we should be able to draw some common “success keys” from those experiences and support faster evolution of the food sector towards more sustainability.
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Communication de congrès
Agents Cirad, auteurs de cette publication :
- Biard Yannick — Dgdrs / Dgdrs - disco