Assessment of Climate Pollutant Emissions from Crop Residues Open Burning in Indonesia
Andini A., Bonnet S., Rousset P.. 2018. In : “Technology and Innovation for Global Energy Revolution”. Bangkok : SEE, p. 296-299. International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environment (SEE2018) “Technology and Innovation for Global Energy Revolution”. 7, 2018-11-28/2018-11-30, Bangkok (Thaïlande).
Indonesia is an agricultural country. The practice of open burning is commonly followed by farmers to remove residues from the field. The main crops subject to open burning include, rice, corn, cassava and sugarcane. It is estimated that about 45 million tonnes of such residues are open burned on an annual basis. In order to estimate the contribution of these practices on air pollution, suitable pollutant and crop specific emission factors were retrieved from the literature. Based on this data, it was found that on annual basis crop residues open burning in Indonesia contributes 49,671Gg CO2, 4,675Gg CO, 243Gg CH4, 85Gg NOx, 3Gg N2O, 40Gg SO2, 151Gg NMVOC, 21Gg EC and 77Gg OC. On average, CO2 and CO emissions were found to dominate the overall emissions with 90% and 8% respectively. The remaining 2% are contributed by all other pollutants. Based on the climate forcing contribution of theses emissions, it was estimated that crop residues open burning in Indonesia contributes 14% of the GWP of global crop residues open burning.
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Agents Cirad, auteurs de cette publication :
- Rousset Patrick — Persyst / UPR BioWooEB