Publications des agents du Cirad


Diversity, germplasm information and exchange

Fok Ah Chuen M.. 2019. Brisbane : ICAC, 47 p.. ICAC Plenary Meeting. 78, 2019-12-02/2019-12-05, Brisbane (Australie).

Genetic diversity, if exploited, helps to make great progress in the sustainability of growing cotton in a world evolving notably under climate change. This diversity is preserved in several collections managed by public organizations in a handful of countries. The exchange of genetic materials is however of low level. One reason is the lack of means and capabilities of breeding teams, notably in developing countries, to address and integrate genetic variability into breeding programs. There is rationale tomove towards a regional/international program for variability creation so that national breeding programs could benefit and use to finalize locally-adapted new varieties. The main reason of the current lack of exchange nevertheless lies on the lack of more comprehensive information on existing genetic materials and on the sharing of this information. ICRA tries to launch an initiative to overcome this shortfall, but more organizations should join in and financial support is required to meet the ultimate objective.

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