Vitamins of camel milk: A comprehensive review
Faye B., Konuspayeva G., Bengoumi M.. 2019. Journal of Camelid Science, 12 : p. 17-32.
Several authors base their arguments to promote the health benefits of camel milk on components such as vitamins. However, except for vitamin C, the number of references is limited and, overall, reported concentrations in the literature are highly variable because of the use of different analytical methods, materials and study contexts. The present review gives up-to date information regarding the values of fat- and water-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, B11, B12 and C) reported in milk of large camelids from different parts of the world.
Mots-clés : lait de chamelle; vitamine; complexe vitaminique b; qualité des aliments; valeur nutritive
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