Estimation of red deer population and impact on Tugay ecosystem in Lower Amu Darya State Biosphere Reserve, Uzbekistan
Cornélis D., Kan E., Gond V., Cesaro J.D., Peltier R.. 2020. Bois et Forêts des Tropiques, 346 : p. 65-78.
DOI: 10.18167/DVN1/B6MAVG
DOI: 10.18167/DVN1/THSVXS
In 2011, the Government of Uzbekistan established the Lower Amu Darya State Biosphere Reserve (LABR). This reserve aims to conserve the Tugay, an endangered riparian forest ecosystem straddling the main rivers of Central Asia's drylands, which is under extreme anthropogenic pressure. The LABR has reintroduced Bukhara red deer (Cervus hanglu bactrianus), a subspecies endemic to Asia whose numbers declined severely over the 20th century. The LABR development project aims to provide operational support to the Uzbek authorities for their application to join the World Network of Biosphere Reserves. GIZ (German Society for International Cooperation) requested CIRAD to provide a science-based estimate of the deer population in the LABR, using an internationally recognized method, and to issue recommendations to ensure ecologically and socio-economically sustainable management. The survey of the Bukhara red deer population began in October 2019. The study area covered 88 km2. The survey design consisted of 12 parallel straight lines 1400 m apart; the total transect length was 65 km. During the count, 127 observations of individuals or herds were made and a total of 336 individuals were observed. The data were analysed using DISTANCE 7.3 software. The encounter rates were 1.95 obs./km and 5.17 animals/km. The estimated density was 24 deer/km2 and the estimated total population was 2,112 deer [1,320 - 3,344, 95% CI]. The proportion of dead, dying or severely affected trees was roughly estimated at 10%, and the proportion of trees affected but with a good chance of survival at 15%. In the southern core area of the LABR, a very high proportion of seedlings and suckers was being eaten and the forest is no longer regenerating. Maintaining a population of 24 deer/km2 in the southern core area of LABR clearly seems incompatible with either the conservation of the Tugay forest ecosystem or the peaceful coexistence of deer with human populations adjacent to the LABR. Options to mitig
Mots-clés : population animale; réserve naturelle; écosystème forestier; dynamique des populations; conservation des forêts; repeuplement animal; introduction d'animaux; évaluation de l'impact sur l'environnement; projet de développement; végétation ripicole; populus euphratica; ouzbékistan; cervus hanglu bactrianus; populus diversifolia
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