Herbicides and family farming, a marriage of convenience? Cotton growing in Cameroon and sugarcane in Réunion illustrate how herbicides have been closely integrated into farming practices
Martin J.. 2021. Tropicultura, 39 : 16 p.. , ().
For situations and crops as diverse as sugarcane in Réunion (a French overseas department), grown in systems close to monoculture, and cotton in Cameroon, grown in rotation with food crops, the gruelling manual weed control operations using hoes (the daba in Cameroon and the mattock in Réunion), traditionally inherent to family farming, have been considerably alleviated by the emergence then widespread implementation of chemical weed control, manual in Cameroon and partially motorised in Réunion. Based on these two examples taken from his experience as a tropical agronomist in Northern Cameroon and in Réunion, the author concludes that in just a few decades, family farming and chemical weed control have forged very strong links, which are now difficult to undo.
Mots-clés : herbicide; agriculture familiale; pratique agricole; mauvaise herbe; glyphosate; désherbage; lutte chimique; gossypium; saccharum officinarum; saccharum; cynodon dactylon; panicum maximum; cameroun; la réunion; france
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Article (b-revue à comité de lecture)
Agents Cirad, auteurs de cette publication :
- Martin José — Persyst / UPR AIDA