Life cycle inventory data on French organic waste treatments yielding organic amendments and fertilisers
Avadi A., Aissani L., Pradel M., Wilfart A.. 2020. Data in Brief, 28 : 7 p..
To inform the modelling of organic waste treatments yielding organic amendments and fertilisers in France, published as “Screening LCA of French organic amendments and fertilisers” [1], we compiled data pertaining to the chemical characteristics of both raw and treated organic residues, as well as inventory data on the most common organic waste treatments. The majority of these life cycle inventory data was obtained from reports and other literature, but primary data was also compiled, notably for commercial organic fertiliser production. The data presented here can be used by future life cycle assessment studies on organic waste treatments, as well as to inform agricultural modelling.
Mots-clés : traitement des déchets; déchet organique; analyse du cycle de vie; composition chimique; amendement organique; engrais organique; résidu de récolte; modélisation; france
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Article (b-revue à comité de lecture)
Agents Cirad, auteurs de cette publication :
- Avadi Tapia Angel Daniel — Persyst / UPR Recyclage et risque