Publications des agents du Cirad


Climate change local policy and rural development in post-peace agreements context in Colombia

Howland F.. 2021. Lisbonne : IPSA, 1 p.. IPSA World Congress of Political Science. 26, 2021-07-10/2021-07-15, Lisbonne (Portugal).

To address climate change challenges (CC), national governments have elaborated climate policies. However, there is few information on their implementation and impact at local level. For instance, in Colombia, a national CC policy and law have been elaborated as well as Development of the Colombian Low Carbon Development Strategy (ECDBC), the National Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change (PNACC), the National Strategy for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (ENREDD+), NDC and sectorial integral CC management plan (PIGCC). These policies identified as key the agricultural sector. In parallel, since 2016, Colombia signed peace agreement with FARC guerrilla. However, the elaboration of sub-national policies and their implementation are lagging. In this context, the objective of this paper is to analyze the implementation of CC instruments (governmental and non-governmental) in one department of Colombia and related to agriculture, and to put into perspective with the development and post-conflict agendas. First, we analyzed the sub-national policy mix related to CC, development and post-conflict and their implementation (by governmental and non-governmental actors) and coherence and articulation. The paper is also based on semi-structures interview analyzed through narrative analysis in order to capture objective, framing, priorities and interest hold by actors in relation with CC, development and post-conflict. We show that governmental instruments are mainly focused on information production and plan elaboration and remain at institutional level. Lack of resources are observed for the implementation and/or use of these plans and information. Actions at population level are implemented by actors from international cooperation and civil society with few articulations with and support from governmental actors. Besides, narrative analysis are showing that CC adaptation is crucial to meet post-conflict objectives. There are multiple visions on CC

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