Quinoa expansion beyond its origins
Bazile D.. 2021. Multan : MNSUAM, 5 p.. Quinoa: A Future Smart Food, 2021-11-08/2021-11-08, (Pakistan).
Agriculture has always been based on access and exchange, not on exclusivity. PGR were collected and exchanged for more than 10,000 years: Propagation on the planet with human migrations; Improvement of cultivars according to local contexts; Use and cultivation of a large number of species. People have always shared or traded their local plants and breeds. Farmers exchange seeds and grow exotic materials among their usual plants to avoid declines in productivity. Farmers are actors of the dynamics of agrobiodiversity. Because of they domesticated the original wild plants for generating landraces, and added to diversity by adapting cultivated plants to new ecosystems and human needs and discovered new crops. Some key specificities of agrobiodiversity: The value of agricultural genetic resources lies as much in the intra-specific diversity as in the number of species. Farmers contribute to increasing diversity through farming and cropping systems. When a system dies, diversity must be conserved ex situ. Countries and regions are "interdependent": all depend on crops originating from other countries. Most of the plant genetic resources plant genetic resources are found in tropical and semi-tropical countries, not in the "industrial north". Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) knowns as neglected and underutilized species, was considered major crop used by the Pre-Colombian cultures in Latin-America for centuries. As a consequence of the invasion and the conquest by the Spanish, cultivation and consumption of this crops were suppressed and thereafter only continued on a minor or local scale. Quinoa has been grown in the Andes for over 7,000 years. After centuries of neglect, the potential of quinoa was only rediscovered during the second half of the twentieth century. Following the International Year of Quinoa (IYQ) in 2013, the case of quinoa was highlighted with the potential to rapidly change its status from a minor to a major crop in the world agriculture, on basis of the ro
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Agents Cirad, auteurs de cette publication :
- Bazile Didier — Es / UMR SENS