The TALENT Programme: Renovated training for plantation managers
Rival A., Pillot D., Dufour M., Seye A., Lemagnen L.. 2023. Bali : IOPC, 2 p.. International Oil Palm Conference (IOPC 2022). 7, 2023-03-14/2023-03-16, Bali (Indonésie).
The TALENT program (TrAining on LandscapE maNagemenT) aims to raise awareness among the managers (present and future) who are in charge of informed decision-making in tree-crop plantations, and of the development of relevant policies on sustainable development issues.The main objective of the partnership is to develop targeted training that can contribute to the dissemination, over time, of good practices in terms of sustainable plantation management. To achieve this aim, the project targets four countries (namely Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam and Thailand), and four major commodity chains: Oil palm, rubber, timber and pulp. A group of six partner universities was selected and their common aim is to educate four different audiences (Masters Students, managers from large plantations, managers of smallholder cooperatives and bank executives). The TALENT Programme will install a network of decision-makers trained to the principles of sustainability and supported by R&D experience in the field. It will also develop specific training activities for the banking sector, link issues in plantation agriculture to the financing of sustainable plantations, thus aiming at stimulating their development.In addition to improving the existing Masters or UG programs, the TALENT initiative also provides for the organization of thematic regional seminars and visits to sites of interest, making it possible to directly reach production operators (companies or cooperatives), financial actors (banks, credit organizations) and academic partners (academics, researchers, extension staff). In addition to face-to-face teaching activities, the e-TALENT programme provides online resources to all learners connected with the sustainability of plantations in South-East Asia.
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Agents Cirad, auteurs de cette publication :
- Dufour Magali — Dgdrs / Dgdrs
- Lemagnen Lucie — Dgdrs / Dgdrs
- Rival Alain — Persyst / UMR ABSys