MERCI: A simple method and decision-support tool to estimate availability of nitrogen from a wide range of cover crops to the next cash crop
Constantin J., Minette S., Véricel G., Jordan-Meille L., Justes E.. 2024. Plant and Soil, 494 : p. 333-351.
Background and aims: Cover crops can efficiently increase nitrogen (N) recycling in agroecosystems. By providing a green-manure effect for the next crop, they allow reduced mineral fertilisation. We developed a decision-support tool, called MERCI, to predict N available from cover crop residues over time, from a single measurement of fresh shoot biomass. Methods: We coupled a large experimental database from France with a simulation experiment using the soil-crop model STICS. More than 25 000 measurements of 74 species of cover crops as a sole crop or bispecific mixtures were collected. Linear regression models, at the species, family or entire-database level depending on the data available, were built to predict dry biomass, N amount and C:N ratio. Dynamics of N mineralized and leaching from cover crop residues were predicted at 24 contrasting sites as a function of the biomass, carbon (C):N ratio and termination date. Results: Correlations between fresh biomass, dry biomass and N amounts in experimental data were strong (r = 0.80-0.96), and predicted N amounts in fresh shoot biomass were relatively accurate. Percentages of N mineralized and leached simulated by STICS were explained mainly by the C:N ratio, site and number of months after termination, but to different degrees. Conclusion: MERCI is an easy and robust decision-support tool for predicting N release in the field, and could thus be adopted by advisors and farmers to improve management of nutrient recycling in temperate arable cropping systems.
Mots-clés : plante de couverture; biomasse; agroécosystème; agroécologie; système de culture; teneur en éléments minéraux; résidu de récolte; banque de données; lessivage du sol; modèle de simulation; france
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Article (a-revue à facteur d'impact)
Agents Cirad, auteurs de cette publication :
- Justes Eric — Dg / Dg