Publications des agents du Cirad


How structures of agricultural value chains interlink with employment and inclusiveness? Insights from VCA4D studies

Freguin-Gresh S., Dabat M.H., Yildirim H.. 2023. In : Proceedings of the VCA4D Conference: Value Chain Analysis for Development: Providing evidence for better policies and operations in agricultural value chains. Bruxelles : Agrinatura, 18 p.. Value Chain Analysis for Development (VCA4D), 2023-01-18/2023-01-19, Bruxelles (Belgique).

This paper aims at exploring the interlinks between structural components of agricultural value chains (VC), employment, and inclusiveness. By using data from the agricultural VC analyzed in the framework of the Value Chain Analysis for Development (VCA4D) project, which includes domestic VC studies in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, this paper proposes a typology of VC, based on indicators related to product and market features as many examples in the literature but also on indicators repositioning the VC in their macroeconomic environment. The results show differentiation between VC depending on the product and market features, but also according to the contribution of the VC value added to agricultural GDP, the rate of integration of the VC in the national economy and the weight of VC actors (agricultural producers, traders, processors, suppliers) in the wealth generated by the VC, as these elements may have strong relations with employment. Confronting the results with indicators on employment (in quantity and quality), the paper allows a broader tentative to discuss on how VC structures influence diverse dimensions of inclusiveness. This reflection also demonstrates the need to build an information system so that robust data can be easily accessed for such analysis.

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