Do cocoa certification schemes improve producers' performance ? Evidence from Centre Region Cameroon
Talla Sadeu M.B., Mathe S., Minkoua Nzie J.R.. 2023. Tropicultura, 41 : 20 p..
In agricultural value chains, in particular cocoa, environmental, and social standards are becoming increasingly important in meeting sustainability challenges. The main aim of this article is to examine the role of certification primarily on the yields and incomes of cocoa farmers in the Central Cameroon region. From June to July 2017, a survey of certified and non-certified cocoa producers was conducted in the districts of Ngoumou and Mbangassina. At the end of the survey, a total sample of 114 certified and non-certified producers was obtained. Using the cost-benefit analysis, in this preliminary phase of the certification process, the results show that there is no significant difference in costs between certified and non-certified producers for each of the districts. There is also no price difference between certified and non-certified cocoa and the payment of the certification premium is not systematically distributed. However, the profit analysis shows on average significantly higher yields and profits for certified producers. Nevertheless, this increase in profits would mainly be due to the implementation of good agricultural practices rather than the certification itself. Additionally, the exploration of on farm income shows that cocoa-based households remain on average below the poverty line. One of the long-term challenges for the cocoa sector in Cameroon is to combine the government's objective of increasing production with that of improving quality. To this end, the advantages of the predominantly agroforestry systems present in Cameroon should be exploited to produce a critical mass of quality and sustainable cocoa that would allow a significant increase in producer prices.
Mots-clés : certification; petite exploitation agricole; theobroma cacao; revenu de l'exploitation; agroforesterie; agriculture durable; rendement des cultures; bonnes pratiques agricoles; cameroun; côte d'ivoire
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Article (b-revue à comité de lecture)
Agents Cirad, auteurs de cette publication :
- Mathé Syndhia — Es / UMR Innovation
- Talla Sadeu Michael brice — Es / UMR Innovation