Publications des agents du Cirad


Effect of climatic variables and pheromone trapping strategy on the capture of Cosmopolites sordidus in banana fallows

Delaplace A., Coulis M., Cottin G., Tixier P.. 2024. Crop Protection, 176 : 8 p..

DOI: 10.1016/j.cropro.2023.106501

Cosmopolites sordidus is one of the major pests of bananas. The ban on the use of pesticide products as well as the firmness of public opinion on these products makes it imperative to adopt an alternative method that respects the environment. Pheromone mass trapping is a method that meets these conditions and has demonstrated its effectiveness. However, no study has focused on its use in fallow plots, even though fallowing is recognized as an event that makes plots a source of contamination. Our study compares the effectiveness of two fallow trapping patterns by integrating the effect of climatic variables on the capture rate. Our results showed that the trapping of fallow land ensures a real sanitation of C. sordidus. In addition, the internal trapping of fallow land, compared to trapping surrounding the fallow land, cleans up the plots twice as quickly. Furthermore, trapping efficiency is affected by climatic conditions with seasonal variations, the wet season is more favorable to trapping than the dry season. We provide recommendations for the use of trapping considering the effect of climate on the movement of weevils and on the efficiency of pheromone attractivity. Finally, we offer perspectives on the gaps that still need to be filled.

Mots-clés : cosmopolites sordidus; lutte anti-insecte; musa (bananes); piège à base de phéromones; variabilité du climat; dynamique des populations; phéromone; ravageur des plantes; piège; martinique; france

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