Identification of semiochemical candidates involved in Glossina Palpalis Gambiensis larviposition site selection and behavioural responses of adult gravid females
Gimonneau G., Buatois B., Lapeyre B., Wendemanegde Salou E., Sanon N., Ranaivoarisoa J.A., Roux O., Dormont L.. 2024. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 50 : p. 439-452.
DOI: 10.18167/DVN1/XZ8IAF
Tsetse flies (Diptera: Glossinidae) are the cyclical vectors of human and animal trypanosomes. This viviparous insect develops and produces a single larva at 10-day intervals deposited in specific sites. In some species aggregation of larvae has been shown and seems to be mediated by both physical factors and volatile semiochemicals of larval origin. In this context, this study aims to identify chemicals emitted during the pupariation process in Glossina palpalis gambiensis. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) emitted by larvae were identified using static headspace solid-phase microextraction and gas-chromatography mass-spectrometry (GC–MS) analysis. Electrophysiology and behavioural assays were performed on gravid females to confirm VOCs behavioural activity and attractiveness. GC–MS results revealed ten chemicals emitted during the pupariation process of G. p. gambiensis larvae. Among these chemicals, gravid females were shown to detect nine of them during coupled gas chromatography - electroantennographic detection tests. Behavioural assays highlighted two compounds were as attractive as pupae and one compound and a blend of four compounds were more attractive than pupae. Although the larval origin of some of them needs to be confirmed as they may also likely produced by micro-organisms, these compounds induced significant behavioural responses in the laboratory. Further experiments have to explore the biological activity and competitiveness of these compounds in the field. This work opens interesting opportunities for behavioural manipulation and control of tsetse flies.
Mots-clés : glossina palpalis; glossinidae; vecteur de maladie; comportement animal; transmission des maladies; larve; substance sémiochimique; glossina; burkina faso; glossina palpalis gambiensis
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Agents Cirad, auteurs de cette publication :
- Gimonneau Geoffrey — Bios / UMR INTERTRYP
- Rakotomahefa Judith Annick — Bios / UMR INTERTRYP