Cette entrée donne accès aux publications déposées dans Agritrop depuis 2008, par pays et établissement d'appartenance des coauteurs.
Année de publication : | Type de document : |
50 publications
Jori F., Bastos A., Boinas F., Van Heerden J., Heath L., Jourdan-Pineau H., Martinez-Lopez B., Pereira De Oliveira R., Pollet T., Quembo C., Rea K., Simulundu E., Taraveau F., Penrith M.L.. 2023. Pathogens, 12 (3) : 22 p..
Haran J., Marvaldi A., Benoit L., Oberlander K., Stals R., Oberprieler R.G.. 2023. European Journal of Taxonomy, 877 (1) : p. 1-89.
Desneux N., Han P., Mansour R., Arno J., Brévault T., Campos M.R., Chailleux A., Guedes R.N.C., Karimi J., Konan K.A.J., Lavoir A.V., Luna M.G., Perez-Hedo M., Urbaneja A., Verheggen F., Zappala L., Abbes K., Ali A., Bayram Y., Cantor F., Cuthbertson A.G.S., De Vis R., Erler F., Firake D.M., Haddi K., Hajjar M.J., Ismoilov K., Jaworski C.C., Kenis M., Liu H.T., Madadi H., Martin T., Mazih A., Messelink G.J., Mohamed S.A., Nofemela R.S., Oke A., Ramos C., Ricupero M., Roditakis E., Shashank P.R., Wan F.H., Wang M.H., Wang S., Zhang Y.B., Biondi A.. 2022. Journal of Pest Science, 95 : p. 17-39.
de Lourdes Tapia y Figueroa M., Beraún Tapia J.F., Hajari E., Escalona M., Etienne H., Lorenzo J.C.. 2022. African Journal of Biotechnology, 21 (3) : p. 125-132.
Boulangé A., Lejon V., Berthier D., Thevenon S., Gimonneau G., Desquesnes M., Abah S., Agboho P., Chilongo K., Gebre T., Gueye Fall A., Kaba D., Magez S., Masiga D., Matovu E., Moukhtar A., Neves L., Olet P.A., Pagabeleguem S., Shereni W., Sorli B., Taioe M.O., Tejedor Junco M.T., Yagi R., Solano P., Cecchi G.. 2022. Open Research Europe, 2 : 23 p..
Montsu K., Van Heerden J., Boshoff C., Etter E.. 2022. In : 16th International Symposium of Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics - Conneting animals, people, and their shared enivronments : Abstract book. Halifax : ISVEE, p. 691. International Symposium of Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics (ISVEE 16). 16, 2022-08-07/2022-08-12, Halifax (Canada).
Accotto G.P., Candresse T., Chabannes M., Ciuffo M., Desbiez C., Gentit P., Glasa M., Iskra Caruana M.L., Jelkmann W., Marais A., Menzel W., Mulabisana J., Niehl A., Prat C., Predajna L., Richert-Pöggeler K.R., Romette J.L., Rubino L., Urbino C., Verdin E., Ziebell H., Zikeli K.. 2022. In : International Advances in Plant Virology 2022. Ljubljana : AAB, 1. International Advances in Plant Virology (IAPV 2022), 2022-10-05/2022-10-07, Ljubljana (Slovénie).
de Beer C.J., Dicko A.H., Ntshangase J., Moyaba P., Taioe M.O., Mulandane F.C., Neves L., Mdluli S., Guerrini L., Bouyer J., Vreysen M.J.B., Venter G.J.. 2021. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 15 (11) : 19 p..
DOI: 10.7910/DVN/PA7U7L
Jolivot A., Lebourgeois V., Leroux L., Ameline M., Andriamanga V., Bellon B., Castets M., Crespin-Boucaud A., Defourny P., Diaz S., Dieye M., Dupuy S., Ferraz R.P.D., Gaetano R., Gély M., Jahel C., Kabore B., Lelong C., Le Maire G., Lo Seen D., Muthoni M., Ndao B., Newby T., de Oliveira Santos C.L.M., Rasoamalala E., Simoes M., Thiaw I., Timmermans A., Tran A., Bégué A.. 2021. Earth System Science Data, 13 (12) : p. 5951-5967.
DOI: 10.18167/DVN1/P7OLAP
Richert-Poeggeler K.R., Accotto G.P., Candresse T., Chabannes M., Desbiez C., Gentit P., Glasa M., Iskra Caruana M.L., Jelkmann W., Marais A., Menzel W., Mulabisana J., Niehl A., Pierro R., Predajna L., Romette J.L., Rubino L., Verdin E., Urbino C., Ziebell H., Zikeli K.. 2021. In : Wong S.M. (ed.), Hammond J. (ed.), Adkins S. (ed.). Proceedings of the XV International Symposium on Virus Diseases of Ornamental Plants. Louvain : ISHS, p. 75-86. (Acta Horticulturae, 1392). International Symposium on Virus Diseases of Ornamental Plants. 15, 2021-12-13/2021-12-17, Singapour (Singapour).
Van Rensburg L.J., Penrith M.L., Van Heerden H., Heath L., Etter E.. 2020. Research in Veterinary Science, 133 : p. 42-47.
Van Rensburg L.J., Van Heerden J., Penrith M.L., Heath L., Rametse T., Etter E.. 2020. Journal of the South African Veterinary Association, 91 : 9 p..
Van Rensburg L.J., Etter E., Heath L., Penrith M.L., Van Heerden J.. 2020. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 67 (6) : p. 2753-2769.
DOI: 10.1111/tbed.13632
Defourny P., Bontemps S., Bellemans N., Cara C., Dedieu G., Guzzonato E., Hagolle O., Inglada J., Nicola L., Rabaute T., Savinaud M., Udroiu C., Valero S., Bégué A., Dejoux J.F., El Harti A., Ezzahar J., Kussul N., Labbassi K., Lebourgeois V., Miao Z., Newby T., Nyamugama A., Salh N., Shelestov A., Simonneaux V., Traoré P.S., Traore S.S., Koetz B.. 2019. Remote Sensing of Environment, 221 : p. 551-568.
Waldner F., Bellemans N., Hochman Z., Newby T., de Abelleyra D., Verón S.R., Bartalev S., Lavreniuk M., Kussul N., Le Maire G., Simoes M., Skakun S., Defourny P.. 2019. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 80 : p. 82-93.
Reinhardt D.H., Uriza Avila D.E., Soler A., Sanewski G.M., Rabie E.C.. 2019. In : Bartholomew Duane P. (ed.), Reinhardt Domingo Haroldo (ed.), Duarte Souza F.V. (ed.). Proceedings of the IX International Pineapple Symposium. Louvain : ISHS, p. 51-64. (Acta Horticulturae, 1239). International Pineapple Symposium. 9, 2017-10-15/2017-10-19, La Havane (Brésil).
Quembo C.J., Jori F., Vosloo W., Heath L.. 2018. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 65 (2) : p. 420-431.
DOI: 10.1111/tbed.12700
Mansour R., Brévault T., Chailleux A., Cherif A., Grissa-Lebdi K., Haddi K., Mohamed S.A., Nofemela R.S., Oke A., Sylla S., Tonnang H.E.Z., Zappala L., Kenis M., Desneux N., Biondi A.. 2018. Entomologia Generalis, 38 (2) : p. 83-112.
Bakhoum M.T., Labuschagne K., Huber K., Fall M., Mathieu B., Venter G.J., Gardes L., Baldet T., Bouyer J., Fall A.G., Gimonneau G., Garros C.. 2018. Systematic Entomology, 43 (2) : p. 355-371.
DOI: 10.1111/syen.12279
Quembo C.J., Jori F., Heath L., Vosloo W.. 2018. In : Tielkes, E. (ed.). Tropentag 2018: Global food security and food safety: the role of universities. Weikersheim : Margraf Publishers GmbH, p. 163-163. Tropentag 2018: Global Food Security and Food Safety: The role of Universities. 20, 2018-09-17/2018-09-19, Gand (Belgique).
Carpenter S., Mellor P.S., Fall A.G., Garros C., Venter G.J.. 2017. Annual Review of Entomology, 62 : p. 343-358.
Jori Massanas F., Caron A., Thompson P., Dwarka R., Foggin C., De Garine-Wichatitsky M., Hofmeyr M., Van Heerden J., Heath L.. 2016. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 63 (1) : p. e58-e70.
DOI: 10.1111/tbed.12231
Quembo C.J., Jori F., Heath L., Pérez-Sánchez R., Vosloo V.. 2016. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 63 (4) : p. 443-451.
DOI: 10.1111/tbed.12289
Fynn R.W.S., Augustine D.J., Peel M.J.S., De Garine-Wichatitsky M.. 2016. Journal of Applied Ecology, 53 (2) : p. 388-397.
Brito B.P., Jori F., Dwarka R., Maree F.F., Heath L., Perez A.M.. 2016. Frontiers in Microbiology, 7 (528) : 10 p..
Bontemps S., Arias M., Cara C., Dedieu G., Guzzonato E., Hagolle O., Inglada J., Matton N., Morin D., Popescu R., Rabaute T., Savinaud M., Sepulcre G., Valero S., Ahmad L., Bégué A., Bingfang W., de Abelleyra D., Diarra A., Dupuy S., French A., ul Hassan Akhtar I., Kussul N., Lebourgeois V., Le Page M., Newby T., Savin I., Verón S.R., Koetz B., Defourny P.. 2015. Remote Sensing, 7 (12) : p. 16062-16090.
DOI: 10.3390/rs71215815
Jacquet S., Garros C., Lombaert E., Walton E., Restrepo J., Allene X., Baldet T., Cetre-Sossah C., Chaskopoulou A., Delecolle J.C., Desvars A., Djerbal M., Fall M., Gardes L., De Garine-Wichatitsky M., Goffredo M., Gottlieb Y., Gueye Fall A., Kasina M., Labuschagne K., Lhor Y., Lucientes J., Martin T., Mathieu B., Miranda M.A., Pages N., Pereira da Fonseca I., Ramilo D., Segard A., Setier-Rio M.L., Stachurski F., Tabbabi A., Talla Seck M., Venter G.J., Zimba M., Balenghien T., Guis H., Chevillon C., Bouyer J., Huber K.. 2015. Molecular Ecology, 24 (22) : p. 5707-5725.
DOI: 10.5061/dryad.1sm6c
DOI: 10.1111/mec.13422
Venail R., Lhoir J., Fall M., Del Rio R., Talavera S., Labuschagne M., Miranda M., Pagès N., Venter G.J., Rakotoarivony I., Allene X., Scheid B., Gardes L., Gimonneau G., Lancelot R., Garros C., Cetre-Sossah C., Balenghien T., Carpenter S., Baldet T.. 2015. Parasites and Vectors, 8 (439) : 9 p..
Jori F., Godfroid J., Michel A., Potts A.D., Jaumally M.R., Sauzier J., Roger M.. 2014. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 61 (1) : p. 31-42.
DOI: 10.1111/tbed.12206
Khawaja C., Janssen R., Rutz D., Luquet D., Trouche G., Oriol P., Reddy B., Srinivasa Rao P., Basavaraj G., Schaffert R.E., Damasceno C.M.B., Parella R., Zacharias A., Bushmann R., Rettenmaier N., Reinhardt G., Monti A., Zegada-Lizarazu W., Amaducci S., Marocco A., Snijman W., Shargie N., Terblanche H., Zavala-Garcia F., Braconnier S.. 2014. München : WIP, 78 p..
Khawaja C., Janssen R., Rutz D., Luquet D., Trouche G., Oriol P., Reddy B., Srinivasa Rao P., Basavaraj G., Schaffert R.E., Damasceno C.M.B., Parella R., Zacharias A., Bushmann R., Rettenmaier N., Reinhardt G., Monti A., Zegada-Lizarazu W., Amaducci S., Marocco A., Snijman W., Shargie N., Terblanche H., Zavala-Garcia F., Braconnier S.. 2014. München : WIP, 67 p..
Khawaja C., Janssen R., Rutz D., Luquet D., Trouche G., Oriol P., Reddy B., Srinivasa Rao P., Basavaraj G., Schaffert R.E., Damasceno C.M.B., Parella R., Zacharias A., Bushmann R., Rettenmaier N., Reinhardt G., Monti A., Zegada-Lizarazu W., Amaducci S., Marocco A., Snijman W., Shargie N., Terblanche H., Zavala-Garcia F., Braconnier S.. 2014. München : WIP, 67 p..
Reinhardt G., Braconnier S., Amaducci S., Avelino J., Basavaraj G., Buschmann R., Cornélius C., Detzel A., Garcia-Zambrano E.A., Gutierrez-Diez A., Janssen R., Keller H., Köppen S., Magalhaes J.V., Monti A., Parrella R.A.C., Parthasarathy Rao P., Paulsch D., Purcino A.A.C., Reddy B.V.S., Rettenmaier N., Rodrigues J.A., Rutz D., Schaffert R.E., Shargie N., Simeone M.L.F., Snijman W., Srinivasa Rao P., Trevino-Ramirez J.E., Trouche G., Zacharias A., Zavala-Garcia F., Zegada-Lizarazu W.. 2014. In : ETA-Florence Renewable Energies : ETA-Florence Renewable Energies, 2014. Proceedings of the 22th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition (EU BC&E) 23-26 June 2014, Hamburg, Germany. s.l. : s.n., 1 p.. European Biomass Conference and Exhibition. 22, 2014-06-23/2014-06-26, Hamburg (Allemagne).
Cubillos C., Gómez-Sebastian S., Moreno N., Nuñez M.C., Mulumba-Mfumu L.K., Quembo C.J., Heath L., Etter E., Jori F., Escribano J.M., Blanco E.. 2013. Virus Research, 173 (1) : p. 159-167.
Jori F., Caron A., Thompson P., Dwarka R., Foggin C., De Garine-Wichatitsky M., Hofmeyr M., Van Heerden J., Heath L.. 2012. In : FAO-OIE Global Conference on Foot and Mouth Disease Control, Bangkok, Thailand, 27-29 June 2012. s.l. : s.n., 1 p.. Conférence mondiale de la FAO et de l'OIE sur le contrôle de la Fièvre Aphteuse, 2012-06-27/2012-06-29, Bangkok (Thaïlande).
Jori F., Pérez A., Goutard F., Etter E., Heath L., Peyre M.I., Caron A., Bouchot A., Roger F.. 2012. In : FAO-OIE Global Conference on Foot and Mouth Disease Control, Bangkok, Thailand, 27-29 June 2012. s.l. : s.n., 1 p.. Conférence mondiale de la FAO et de l'OIE sur le contrôle de la Fièvre Aphteuse, 2012-06-27/2012-06-29, Bangkok (Thaïlande).
Monjane A.L., Harkins G.W., Martin D.P., Lemey P., Lefeuvre P., Shepherd D.N., Oluwafemi S., Simuyandi M., Zinga I., Komba E.K., Lakoutene D.P., Mandakombo N., Mboukoulida J., Semballa S., Tagne A., Tiendrebeogo F., Erdmann J.B., Van Antwerpen T., Owor B.E., Flett B., Ramusi M., Windram O.P., Lett J.M., Briddon R.W., Markham P.G., Rybicki E.P., Varsani A.. 2011. Journal of Virology, 85 (18) : p. 9623-9636.
DOI: 10.1128/JVI.00640-11
Lamien C.E., Le Goff C., Silber R., Wallace D.B., Gulyaz V., Tuppurainen E., Madani H., Caufour P., Adam T., El Harrak M., Luckins A.G., Albina E., Diallo A.. 2011. Veterinary Microbiology, 149 (1-2) : p. 30-39.
Braconnier S., Gutjhard S., Trouche G., Reddy B., Roa S., Schaffert R.E., Parella R., Zacharias A., Rettenmaier N., Reinhardt G., Monti A., Amaducci S., Marocco A., Snijman W., Terblanche H., Zavala-Garcia F., Janssen R., Rutz D.. 2011. In : Faulstich M. (ed.), Ossenbrink H. (ed.), Dallemand J.F. (ed.), Baxter D. (ed.), Grassi A. (ed.), Helm P. (ed.). 19th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition : from research to industry and market. Proceedings of the International Conference held in Berlin, Germany, 6-10 June 2011. Florence : ETA-Renewable Energies, p. 782-786. European Biomass Conference and Exhibition. 19, 2011-06-06/2011-06-10, Berlin (Allemagne).
Jori F., Munstermann A.S., Mokopasetso M., Etter E., Mhongovoyo J., Nkgowe C., Michel A., Newmann S.. 2011. In : 30th World Veterinary Congress 2011, Cape Town, South Africa, 10-14 October 2011. s.l. : s.n., 1 p.. World Veterinary Congress 2011. 30, 2011-10-10/2011-10-14, Cape Town (Afrique du Sud).
Keita D., Heath L., Albina E.. 2010. Antiviral Therapy, 15 (5) : p. 727-736.
DOI: 10.3851/IMP1593
Cetre-Sossah C., Balenghien T., Martinez D., Albina E., Garros C., Giovannoni V., Conte A.A., Miranda M.A., Baylis M., Mertens P., Carpenter S., Domingo M., Casal J., Zientara S., Stark K., Schwermer H., Madani H., Hammami S., Sghaier Zaafouri M., Lhor Y., Ertürk A., Georgiev G., Sanchez Vizcaino J.M., Patakakis M., Boinas F., Venter G.J., Beer M., Hoffmann B., De Clerq K., Van Rinj P.C.J., Botner A.. 2010. Veterinary Record, 166 (13) : p. 386-387.
DOI: 10.1136/vr.c970
Caron A., Heath L., Pfukenyi D.M., De Garine-Wichatitsky M., Thompson P., Jori F.. 2010. In : Foot and Mouth Disease International Symposium, 12-14 April 2010, Melbourne, Australia. s.l. : s.n., 1 p.. Foot and Mouth Disease International Symposium, 2010-04-12/2010-04-14, Melbourne (Australie).
Lamien C.E., Lelenta M., Silber R., Le Goff C., Wallace D.B., Gulyaz V., Tuppurainen E., Luckins A.G., Albina E., Diallo A.. 2010. In : Odongo N.E. (ed.), Garcia M. (ed.), Viljoen Gerrit J. (ed.). Sustainable improvement of animal production and health. Rome : FAO, p. 323-326. International Symposium on Sustainable Improvement of Animal Production and Health, 2009-06-08/2009-06-11, Vienne (Autriche).
Massicame Z., Jori F., Heath L., Vosloo W., Costa R., Thomson G., Thompson P.. 2010. In : Foot and Mouth Disease International Symposium, 12-14 April 2010, Melbourne, Australia. s.l. : s.n., 1 p.. Foot and Mouth Disease International Symposium, 2010-04-12/2010-04-14, Melbourne (Australie).
Janssen R., Rutz D., Braconnier S., Rao S., Schaffert R.E., Parella R., Zaccharias A., Rettenmaier N., Reinhardt G., Monti A., Amaducci S., Marocco A., Snijman W., Terblanche H., Zavala-Garcia F.. 2010. In : Spitzer J. (ed.), Dallemand J.F. (ed.), Baxter D. (ed.), Ossenbrink H. (ed.). 18th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition : from research to industry and market. Proceedings of the International Conference held in Lyon, France, 3-7 May 2010. Florence : ETA-Renewable Energies, p. 200-206. European Biomass Conference and Exhibition. 18, 2010-05-03/2010-05-07, Lyon (France).
Le Goff C., Euloge Lamien C., Fakhfakh E., Chadeyras A., Aba-Adulugba E., Libeau G., Tuppurainen E., Wallace D.B., Adam T., Silber R., Gulyaz V., Madani H., Caufour P., Hammami S., Diallo A., Albina E.. 2009. Journal of General Virology, 90 : p. 1967-1977.
Harkins G.W., Martin D.P., Duffy S., Monjane A.L., Shepherd D.N., Windram O.P., Owor B.E., Donaldson L., Van Antwerpen T., Sayed R.A., Flett B., Ramusi M., Rybicki E.P., Peterschmitt M., Varsani A.. 2009. Journal of General Virology, 90 (12) : p. 3066-3074.
Marcotty T., Matthys F., Godfroid J., Rigouts L., Ameni G., Van Pittius N.G., Kazwala R.R., Muma J., Van Helden P., Walravens K., De Klerk L.M., Mbotha D., Otte M., Amenu K., Abu Samra N., Botha C., Ekron M., Jenkins A., Jori F., Kriek N., Mc Crindle C., Michel A., Morar D., Roger F.. 2009. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, 103 (5) : p. 401-411.
Rowlands R.J., Michaud V., Heath L., Hutchings G., Oura C., Vosloo W., Dwarka R., Onashvili T., Albina E., Dixon L.K.. 2008. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 14 (12) : p. 1870-1874.