How can signs of food quality be reliable ? Empirical issues concerning the popular food trade in African urban areas
Bricas N., Cheyns E., Dury S., Essomba J.M.. 2001. In : EurSAfe ; ed. by Matias Pasquali. EurSafe 2001 "Food safety, food quality and food ethics", The third congress of the European society for agricultural and food ethics, Florence, Italy, 3-5 October 2001. Milan : AetQ, p. 435-436. Congress of the European Society for Agricultural and Food Ethics. 3, 2001-10-03/2001-10-05, Florence (Italie).
Mots-clés : qualité; consommation alimentaire; comportement alimentaire; éthique; pays en développement; urbanisation; marketing; afrique au sud du sahara
Communication de congrès
Agents Cirad, auteurs de cette publication :
- Bricas Nicolas — Es / UMR MOISA
- Cheyns Emmanuelle — Es / UMR MOISA
- Dury Sandrine — Dgdrs / Dgdrs