Publications des agents du Cirad


Near infrared spectroscopy for predicting quality indices in the organic fertiliser industry

Thuriès L., Bastianelli D., Davrieux F., Bonnal L., Oliver R.. 2007. In : Burling-Claridge G.R. (ed.), Holroyd S.E. (ed.), Sumner R.M.W. (ed.). Near infrared spectroscopy : Proceedings of the 12th International Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, 9th - 15th April 2005. Chichester : IM Publications, p. 789-792. International Conference on Near Infrared Spectroscopy. 12, 2005-04-09/2005-04-15, Auckland (Nouvelle-Zélande).

The carbon to nitrogen (C/N) ratio can provide information on the capacity of an organic input to be transformed into humus [1 - 3], but it is not sufficient in some cases [4]. The lignin/nitrogen (Lig/N) ratio is another parameter used when modelling the transformation of organic materials [5]. An alternative estimate of degradability is the percentage of organic matter which is potentially resistant to mineralization over a long period of time. This estimate of the potentially humified organic matter (PHOM), calculated from an established equation based on the chemical composition, is normalised [7]. Quality indicators to determine the total carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and lignin content are expensive and time-consuming. In this study we attempted to predict the PHOM index, the lignin/N ratio and the C/N ratio directly by near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy as a measure of the potential degradability of organic waste.

Mots-clés : engrais organique; plante de culture tropicale; résidu de récolte; déchet organique; composition chimique; spectroscopie infrarouge

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