Publications des agents du Cirad


Discovery of natural waxy cassava starch. Evaluation of its potential as a new functional ingredient in food

Sanchez T., Dufour D., Morante N., Ceballos H.. 2010. In : International Conference on Food Innovation (FOODINNOVA), October, 25-29, 2010, Valencia, Spain. s.l. : s.n., 5 p.. International Conference on Food Innovation, 2010-10-25/2010-10-29, Valence (Espagne).

Cassava starch is a functional ingredient largely used in the food industry. This work reported the discovery of the first natural waxy cassava genotype (AM206-5) in CIAT, Cali, Colombia. SDS-PAGE demonstrated abnormality in the GBSS enzyme in the starch AM206-5. No change in starch granule size or shape was observed in comparison with normal cassava starch. Colorimetric and DSC amylose content for AM206-5 showed (3.4%; 0%) in comparison with normal cassava starch (19.7%; 19.0%) respectively. Paste clarity (61% vs 50%). Wavelength of maximum absorption (?max), (535 nm vs 590 nm), Pasting properties (RVA 5%): Pasting temperature (67.4°C vs 63.9°C) ; Maximum viscosity (1119 cP vs 954 cP) ; breakdown (631 cP vs 479 cP). swelling power ( 54.7% vs 40%), solubility(8.8% vs 7.3%), at 90°C. All analysis reported converge to support the hypothesis that genotype AM206-5 has amylose-free (waxy) starch. The evaluation of gel stress resistance was also compared with other industrial roots, tubers and cereal starches. Acid, alkaline, and shear resistance of waxy cassava starch were similar to normal cassava except for alkaline pH, at which it showed a lower effect. Gels from normal root and tuber starches (potato, cassava) after refrigeration and freeze/thaw had lower syneresis than cereal starches (maize, rice). Gels from waxy starches (except for potato) did not present any syneresis after 5 weeks of storage at 4°C. Waxy cassava starch was the only one not showing any syneresis after 5 weeks of storage at -20°C. Natural waxy cassava starch is, therefore, a promising ingredient to formulate refrigerated or frozen food. CIAT is producing new waxy genotypes especially for Thailand, and Brazil the biggest world cassava starch producers. In a recent selection 25% of large segregating populations (>11 500 genotypes) were waxy. Agronomic evaluation is underway for a release of a waxy starch variety for Thailand.

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