Publications des agents du Cirad


Impact of processing on the stability and bioaccessibility of pro-vitamin A carotenoids in biofortified cassava Roots (Manihot esculenta, Crantz)

Aragon I., Dufour D., Escobar A., Calle F., Ceballos H., Ferruzzi M.G.. 2016. San Diego : AAA, 1 p.. Experimental Biology 2016 (EB 2016), 2016-04-02/2016-04-04, San Diego (Etats-Unis).

Carotenoid content in cassava roots has been increased through biofortification programs as a strategy to combat vitamin A deficiency. However, incorporation of biofortified cassava into both traditional and industrial food processing has yet to be fully assessed. The objective of this study was to examine the impact of fermentation and thermal processing on the stability and bioaccessibility of pro - vitamin A carotenoids from distinct biofortified cassava roots. Unfermented (UF) and fermented (F) flours were produced from 10 biofortified cassava cultivars (T able 1 & Figure 2). Gari (G) flours were produced by toasting two of the fermented cultivars above at 150 - 160 ºC during 15 - 20 min. Test porridges were prepared with UF, F and G ( 22.2% W/V) in boiling water for 5 min. Bioaccessibility of pro-vitamin A carotenoids was then evaluated from finished products using a three-stage in vitro digestion model (Figure 3). Overall, cassava cultivars contained 23.1-42. 7 µg of ß-carotene equivalents (ß-CE) / g on dry weight bases (DW). ß-CE retention after fermentation was 72.5-96.6%; after oven-drying were 18.3-77.5% and 45. 8-80. 4 % for UF and F roots, respectively; after toasting in Gari preparation was 67.3-69.2%; after cooking in porridge preparations were 42.5-74.5 %, 20.7-77.3% and 87.2-115.3 % for UF, F and G flours, respectively (Figure 4 & 5). Cassava flours, which involved fermentation showed higher ß-CE retention (p= 0. 007) during oven - drying compared with U F flours. However, no significant differences were found in ß-CE retention during porridge preparation (p= 0.905). Test porridges made from UF, F and G flours ranged from 39-309, 58-343 and 223-323 µg ß - CE / 100 g FW, respectively. Bioaccessibility ranged widely from 3.3-56. 9 µg ß-CE / 100 g FW with bioaccessible content among the cultivars within the porridges groups ranging from 3.3-43.4, 3.66-21.4 and 20.3-56. 9 µg / 100 g FW for UF, F and G flours, respectively (Figure 6). In general, bioacces

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