Publications des agents du Cirad


Final EU RTB Endure Project report - Output 1.3.1 Optimization of the harvest stage for reducing cooking banana postharvest losses. A multi-criteria approach targeting matooke end-product

Kephas N., Gibert O., Bugaud C., Enoch K.. 2017. s.l. : CGIAR, 35 p..

This report presents results of RTB-ENDURE sub-output 1.3; 'Determining appropriate harvest time for the cooking bananas with intrinsic long shelf-life using physical, chemical and sensory attributes' of the cooking banana business case's Output 1, entitled “Increased access of farmers to cooking banana varieties with preferred quality attributes and intrinsic long shelf life traits”. The worked aimed at reducing postharvest losses for cooking banana while modulating harvest stage for green life extension. The originality of this investigation was to evaluate the putative impact of fruit stage of harvest onto its potential storage life and eating quality. The optimal harvest stage was evaluated by coupling three antagonist parameters, namely fruit diameter, green life, and eating quality, to optimize harvest stage of the variety Kibuzi in specific edapho-climatic conditions of Rakai and Isingiro districts in southwestern Uganda. A temperature record was considered in both sites between flowering and harvest. The interval between flowering and harvest (IFH) of Kibuzi banana variety was used as a quantitative explanatory variable, and the site location (Rakai at 1270 masl vs Isingiro at 1440 masl) was used as a qualitative one. Since the sites were at different altitudes, two Tynitag temperature data loggers were installed to record temperatures. Fruits size, dry matter, fruit firmness, total soluble solids, titratable acidity and sensory attributes were recorded at four harvest stages: 112, 126, 138, 152 days and 111, 125, 137, 151 days after flowering. The evolution of three parameters; diameter of fruit, green life and overall acceptability of the end-product - Matooke - were simulated for 110 to 155 days range, leading to the identification of a range of optimal harvest ages for variety Kibuzi in Rakai at between 133 to 142 days and 133 to 150 days for Isingiro. The prediction of the optimal harvest stage will remain only valid for the two locations without taking

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