Traceability of fruits and vegetables
Guyon F., Vaillant F., Montet D.. 2020. Phytochemistry, 173 : 7 p..
Food safety and traceability are nowadays a constant concern for consumers, and indeed for all actors in the food chain, including those involved in the fruit and vegetable sector. For the EU, the principles and legal requirements of traceability are set out in Regulation 178/2002. Currently however the regulation does not describe any analytical traceability tools. Furthermore, traceability systems for fruits and vegetables face increasing competition due to market globalization. The current challenge for actors in this sector is therefore to be sufficiently competitive in terms of price, traceability, quality and safety to avoid scandal and fraud. For all these reasons, new, flexible, cheap and efficient traceability tools, as isotopic analysis, DNA fingerprinting and metabolomic profiling coupled with chemometrics are needed.
Mots-clés : fruits; culture maraîchère; traçabilité du produit; traçabilité alimentaire; certification
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Article (a-revue à facteur d'impact)
Agents Cirad, auteurs de cette publication :
- Vaillant Fabrice — Persyst / UMR QUALISUD