A participatory methodology to evaluate processing ability and food product quality to increase acceptability of new root, tuber & banana genotypes. Gender equitable positioning, promotion and performance, WP5
Ngoh Newilah G., Teeken B., Bouniol A., Bugaud C.. 2022. Njombé : RTBfoods Project; CIRAD, 29 p..
In order to establish mechanisms to link breeding outputs to key users, from producers to processors and consumers as well as to provide feedback to breeders on any adjustments to be made in selecting varieties with potential for high food product quality, this methodological report was elaborated within the framework of RTBfoods Project, funded by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. It was developed to provide support to RTBfoods partners for the evaluation of the clones that were identified as the most suitable to satisfy users' needs. The evaluation has a two-fold objective: (1) evaluating new varieties to determine suitability for release and promotion, and (2) providing feedback to breeders and food scientists so that they better understand the specific quality criteria and their thresholds to apply throughout the entire breeding process. The document describes methodologies that will be used by RTBfoods partners, often in cooperation with national agriculture research programs, to evaluate food products and processability of advanced clones of Roots, Tubers and Cooking Bananas (RTBs). It covers seven main topics including: 1) main characteristics to be included in the evaluation for each Product Profile, 2) trial composition and location, 3) agronomic evaluation 4) evaluation of raw material harvested with 'champion' processors, 5) processing evaluation with 'champion' processors, 6) sample analysis at laboratory level using RTBfoods-developed Standard Operating Procedures and other available protocols, 6) consumer testing, 7) next steps. Each topic discusses the key need-to-know aspects highlighting the relevant postharvest evaluation methods and tools for RTBs. This guidance is a generic methodology and has to be adapted to each food product to be fully effective. Procedures and forms for data collection could be used in integrated electronic templates for trial design, data collection, archiving and data analysis such as those developed by Cornell University f
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Agents Cirad, auteurs de cette publication :
- Bouniol Alexandre — Persyst / UMR QUALISUD
- Bugaud Christophe — Persyst / UMR QUALISUD