Publications des agents du Cirad


Training on instrumental textural characterization of extensibility of fufu. Biophysical Characterization of Quality Traits, WP2

Ayetigbo O., Mestres C.. 2023. Umudike : RTBfoods Project; CIRAD, 41 p..

DOI: 10.18167/agritrop/00753

The stretchability of fufu is considered as a key textural attribute preferred by consumers of fufu as an acceptable quality parameter. The NRCRI team were trained in Nigeria between 19-23 September, 2022. The new SOP for uniaxial extensibility already developed for pounded yam was considered to determine the extensibility of fufu, while the new SOP for bi-extensional viscosity already developed for pounded yam was adapted to measure the bi-extensional viscosity of fufu using a test speed of 120mm/min and biaxial strain of 1.0. The training was done to determine instrumental extensibility texture of fufu using a texture analyser, which may represents the sensory stretchability of fufu. The mission was conducted to train the National Roots Crop Research Institute (NRCRI) team to set up and measure extensibility of fufu using three protocols; uniaxial extensibility, lubricated squeezing flow (LSF) and Kieffer dough gluten extensibility (KDGE) rig. Some modifications were introduced in the protocols, specific to the food product profile of fufu, and statistical evaluations were presented to show the accuracy, repeatability, and discriminance of the protocols.

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