Evaluation of the suitability of new genotypes to RTB users' needs and preferences regarding matooke, at NARL in Uganda. Gender equitable positioning, promotion and performance, WP5
Akankwasa K., Khakasa E., Nowakunda K., Assasira M., Marimo P., Ngoh Newilah G., Teeken B., Bouniol A.. 2023. Kampala : RTBfoods Project; CIRAD, 24 p..
Work Package 5 activities aimed to evaluate whether the qualitative indicators of the consumer preferred characteristics of steamed matooke can be predicted by quantitively laboratory-assessed indicators of those characteristics. Four genotypes; improved hybrid NARITA 4 and NARITA17 together with two local genotypes- Kibuzi and Nakitembe were tested with 300 Consumers in the field and also characterized in the Laboratory using instrumental, biochemical and descriptive sensory panel of 12 members. Consumers scored matooke from landraces as the most liked. The CATA test showed that the most important characteristics were smooth mouth feel, soft to the touch, not sticky, moldable, deep yellow color, attractive, good matooke taste, and smell. Principal component analysis confirmed that most of the preferred sensory characteristics were associated with the local genotypes whilst the less preferred characteristics were associated with hybrids. Qualitative indicators of the consumer preferred characteristics of steamed matooke can be predicted by quantitative laboratory assessment. The strong associations observed between laboratory-assessed and consumer-based characteristics (moldable by touch, and yellowness) suggest the possibility of predicting consumer characteristics using quantitative laboratory sensory assessments. The study demonstrated that the laboratory-based methods can be used to predict the consumer acceptance of the new matooke genotypes.
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Agents Cirad, auteurs de cette publication :
- Bouniol Alexandre — Persyst / UMR QUALISUD