Publications des agents du Cirad


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Tran Quoc Hoa rss

Unité d'affectation : UPR GECO (Persyst)
Année de publication : Type de document :

56 publications

Castella J.C., Lestrelin G., Phimmasone S., Tran Quoc H., Lienhard P.. 2022. Sustainability, 14 (6) : 18 p..

DOI: 10.3390/su14063550

Article (a-revue à facteur d'impact)

Niino Y., Ella V.B., Tivet F., Leng V., Tran Quoc H., Lienhard P., Sen P.T., Saphangthong T., Seng V., Hok L., Reyes M., Boulakia S., Cheak S.C.. 2022. In : Kassam, Amir (ed.). Advances in conservation agriculture. Volume 3: Adoption and spread. Cambridge : Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, p. 533-576. (Burleigh Dodds Series in Agricultural Science).

DOI: 10.19103/AS.2021.0088.13

Chapitre d'ouvrage

De Garine-Wichatitsky M., Binot A., Ward J., Caron A., Perrotton A., Ross H., Tran Quoc H., Valls-Fox H., Gordon I.J., Promburom P., Ancog R., Kock R., Morand S., Chevalier V., Allen W., Phimpraphai W., Duboz R., Echaubard P.. 2021. Frontiers in Public Health, 8 : 15 p..

DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2020.616328

Article (a-revue à facteur d'impact)

Boulakia S., Tran Quoc H., Husson O., Lienhard P., Balarabe O., Tivet F., Sarthou J.P.. 2021. In : Recarbonizing global soils: A technical manual of recommended management practices. Volume 3: Cropland, grassland, integrated systems and farming approaches – Practices overview. Rome : FAO; ITPS, p. 524-546.

Chapitre d'ouvrage

Lienhard P., Lestrelin G., Phanthanivong I., Kiewvongphachan X., Leudphanane B., Lairez J., Tran Quoc H., Castella J.C.. 2020. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 18 (5) : p. 427-443.

DOI: 10.1080/14735903.2020.1792680

Article (a-revue à facteur d'impact)

Castella J.C., Lienhard P., Tran Quoc H., Khamxaykhay C., Phimmasone S., Chaivanhna S., Phonekhampeng C.. 2020. Ventiane : EFICAS project; CIRAD, 33 p.. (EFICAS Know-How series).

Document technique

Castella J.C., Collombet R., Nandee K., Lienhard P., Tran Quoc H., Phimmasone S.. 2020. Ventiane : CIRAD, 19 p.. (EFICAS Know-How series).

Document technique

Risède J.M., Achard R., Brat P., Chabrier C., Damour G., Guillermet C., De Lapeyre de Bellaire L., Loeillet D., Lakhia S., Meynard C., Tixier P., Tran Quoc H., Salmon F., Côte F.X., Dorel M.. 2019. In : Côte François-Xavier (ed.), Poirier-Magona Emmanuelle (ed.), Perret Sylvain (ed.), Roudier Philippe (ed.), Bruno Rapidel (ed.), Thirion Marie-Cécile (ed.). The agroecological transition of agricultural systems in the Global South. Versailles : Ed. Quae, p. 107-126. (Agricultures et défis du monde).

Chapitre d'ouvrage

Risède J.M., Achard R., Brat P., Chabrier C., Damour G., Guillermet C., De Lapeyre de Bellaire L., Loeillet D., Lakhia S., Meynard P., Tixier P., Tran Quoc H., Salmon F., Côte F.X., Dorel M.. 2018. In : Côte François-Xavier (ed.), Poirier-Magona Emmanuelle (ed.), Perret Sylvain (ed.), Roudier Philippe (ed.), Bruno Rapidel (ed.), Thirion Marie-Cécile (ed.). La transition agro-écologique des agricultures du Sud. Versailles : Ed. Quae, p. 149-179. (Agricultures et défis du monde).

Chapitre d'ouvrage

Damour G., Tran Quoc H., Tardy F., Meynard C., Dorel M.. 2018. In : Van den Bergh Inge (ed.), Risède Jean-Michel (ed.), Johnson Vincent (ed.). Proceedings of the X International Symposium on Banana: ISHS-ProMusa Symposium on Agroecological Approaches to Promote Innovative Banana Production Systems. Louvain : ISHS, p. 33-39. (Acta Horticulturae, 1196). International Symposium on Banana: ISHS-ProMusa Symposium on Agroecological Approaches to Promote Innovative Banana Production Systems. 10, 2016-10-10/2016-10-14, Montpellier (France).

DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2018.1196.4

Communication de congrès

Saruth C., Lytour L., Theng D., Vira L., Veng S., Suos V., Khy R., Khom S., Tong P., Kong R., Tivet F., Boulakia S., Tran Quoc H., Rendall T., Hansen A.. 2018. Siem Reap : s.n., 1 poster. Agroecology futures regional forum, 2018-11-06/2018-11-09, Siem Reap (Cambodge).

Communication de congrès

Husson O., Tran Quoc H., Boulakia S., Chabanne A., Tivet F., Bouzinac S., Lienhard P., Michellon R., Chabierski S., Boyer J., Enjalric F., Rakotondramanana, Moussa N., Jullien F., Balarabe O., Rattanatray B., Castella J.C., Charpentier H., Séguy L.. 2016. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 31 (5) : p. 452-470.

DOI: 10.1017/S174217051500037X

Article (a-revue à facteur d'impact)

Guillermet C., Tran Quoc H., Dorel M., De Lapeyre de Bellaire L.. 2016. Montpellier : CIRAD-PERSYST, 13 p..

Document technique

Damour G., Dorel M., Tran Quoc H., Meynard C., Risède J.M.. 2014. European Journal of Agronomy, 52 (B) : p. 218-228.

DOI: 10.18167/DVN1/EZPGCP

DOI: 10.1016/j.eja.2013.09.004

Article (a-revue à facteur d'impact)

Tran Quoc H., Dorel M., Gervais L.. 2014. In : Caribbean sustainable banana. Interreg project 2010-2014. Montpellier : CIRAD, 1 p.. Final Workshop of the Interreg Project Caribbean Sustainable Banana, 2014-10-13/2014-10-16, Rodney Bay (Sainte-Lucie).

Communication de congrès

Tran Quoc H., Dorel M., Anselm R., Satney M.. 2014. In : Caribbean sustainable banana. Interreg project 2010-2014. Montpellier : CIRAD, 1 p.. Final Workshop of the Interreg Project Caribbean Sustainable Banana, 2014-10-13/2014-10-16, Rodney Bay (Sainte-Lucie).

Communication de congrès

Husson O., Chabanne A., Michellon R., Tivet F., Boulakia S., Bouzinac S., Chabierski S., Lienhard P., Enjalric F., Tran Quoc H., Naudin K., Scopel E., Dusserre J., Sester M., Taillebois J.E., Penot E., Rakotondramanana, Moussa N., Séguy L.. 2013. In : Centre du riz pour l'Afrique. 3ème Congrès du riz en Afrique = 3th Africa Rice Congress, Yaoundé, Cameroun, 21-24 octobre 2013. s.l. : s.n., 15 p.. Africa Rice Congress. 3, 2013-10-21/2013-10-24, Yaoundé (Cameroun).

Communication de congrès

Lestrelin G., Tran Quoc H., Jullien F., Rattanatray B., Khamxaykhay C., Tivet F.. 2012. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 27 (1) : p. 81-92.

DOI: 10.1017/S174217051100055X

Article (a-revue à facteur d'impact)

Boulakia S., Vira L., Tivet F., Tran Quoc H., Lienhard P., Séguy L.. 2012. In : Visions for a Sustainable Planet : ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings, October 21-24, 2012, Cincinnati, United States. s.l. : s.n., 1 p.. Visions for a Sustainable Planet : ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings, 2012-10-21/2012-10-24, Cincinnati (Etats-Unis).

Communication de congrès

Tivet F., Desbrosse A., Tran Quoc H., Jullien F., Khamxaykhay C., Chabanne A., Chounlamountry T., Senephansiri S., Lienhard P., Sa J.C.M., Briedis C., Panyasiri K., Séguy L.. 2012. In : Hauswirth Damien (ed.), Pham Thi Sen (ed.), Nicetic Oleg (ed.), Tivet Florent (ed.), Doanh Le Quoc (ed.), Van de Fliert Elske (ed.), Kirchhof Gunnar (ed.), Boulakia Stéphane (ed.), Chabierski Stéphane (ed.), Husson Olivier (ed.), Chabanne André (ed.), Boy. Conservation agriculture and sustainable upland livelihoods innovations for, with and by farmers to adapt to local and global changes : Proceedings the 3rd International Conference on Conservation Agriculture in Southeast Asia, held in Hanoi, Vietnam, 10t. Montpellier : CIRAD, p. 45-48. International Conference on Conservation Agriculture in Southeast Asia. 3, 2012-12-10/2012-12-15, Hanoi (Viet Nam).

Communication de congrès

Chabierski S., Tran Quoc H.. 2012. In : Jacques Wery (ed.). Agronomie, plantes cultivées et systèmes de culture. Montpellier : Agropolis International, p. 51-51. (Les dossiers d'Agropolis International, 12).

Chapitre de rapport

Jullien F., Lestrelin G., Tran Quoc H., Rattanatray B., Khamxaykhay C., Tivet F.. 2011. In : Resilient food systems for a changing world : Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on conservation agriculture, incorporating 3rd International farming systems design Conference, 26-29th September 2011, Brisbane, Australia. Canberra : ACIAR, p. 278-279. World Congress on Conservation Agriculture. 5, 2011-09-26/2011-09-29, Brisbane (Australie).

Communication de congrès

Jullien F., Julien P., Séguy L., Tivet F., Tran Quoc H., Lienhard P., Khamhung A., Rattanatray B., Panyasiri K., Chabanne A., Lestrelin G.. 2011. In : Resilient food systems for a changing world : Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on conservation agriculture, incorporating 3rd International farming systems design Conference, 26-29th September 2011, Brisbane, Australia. Canberra : ACIAR, p. 318-319. World Congress on Conservation Agriculture. 5, 2011-09-26/2011-09-29, Brisbane (Australie).

Communication de congrès

Chanphengxay M.B. (ed.), Khamhung A. (ed.), Panysiri K. (ed.), Chabanne A. (ed.), Julien F. (ed.), Tran Quoc H. (ed.), Lienhard P. (ed.), Tivet F. (ed.). 2010. Vientiane : Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry [Laos], 288 p.. Regional Workshop on Conservation Agriculture, 2008-10-28/2008-11-01, Phonsavan (Laos, République démocratique populaire).

Actes de congrès

Jullien F., Tivet F., Lestrelin G., Tran Quoc H., Lienhard P., Khamhung A., Rattanatray B., Panyasiri K., Chabanne A., Julien P., Séguy L.. 2010. In : Chanphengxay Monthathip B. (ed.), Khamhung Anonth (ed.), Panysiri Khamkéo (ed.), Chabanne André (ed.), Julien Frédéric (ed.), Tran Quoc Hoa (ed.), Lienhard Pascal (ed.), Tivet Florent (ed.). Investing in sustainable agriculture : the case of conservation agriculture and direct seeding mulch-based cropping systems. Proceedings of the Regional Workshop held in Phonsavan, Xieng Khouang Province, Lao PDR, 28th October - 1st November 2008. Vientiane : Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry [Laos], p. 196-207. Regional Workshop on Conservation Agriculture, 2008-10-28/2008-11-01, Phonsavan (Laos, République démocratique populaire).

Communication de congrès

Tran Quoc H., Lestrelin G., Jullien F., Kongthong K., Khamxaykhay C., Tivet F.. 2010. In : Chanphengxay Monthathip B. (ed.), Khamhung Anonth (ed.), Panysiri Khamkéo (ed.), Chabanne André (ed.), Julien Frédéric (ed.), Tran Quoc Hoa (ed.), Lienhard Pascal (ed.), Tivet Florent (ed.). Investing in sustainable agriculture : the case of conservation agriculture and direct seeding mulch-based cropping systems. Proceedings of the Regional Workshop held in Phonsavan, Xieng Khouang Province, Lao PDR, 28th October - 1st November 2008. Vientiane : Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry [Laos], p. 175-176. Regional Workshop on Conservation Agriculture, 2008-10-28/2008-11-01, Phonsavan (Laos, République démocratique populaire).

Communication de congrès

Tran Quoc H., Tivet F., Senephansiri S., Keodouangsy C., Chounlamountry T., Khamxaykhay C., Séguy L.. 2010. In : Chanphengxay Monthathip B. (ed.), Khamhung Anonth (ed.), Panysiri Khamkéo (ed.), Chabanne André (ed.), Julien Frédéric (ed.), Tran Quoc Hoa (ed.), Lienhard Pascal (ed.), Tivet Florent (ed.). Investing in sustainable agriculture : the case of conservation agriculture and direct seeding mulch-based cropping systems. Proceedings of the Regional Workshop held in Phonsavan, Xieng Khouang Province, Lao PDR, 28th October - 1st November 2008. Vientiane : Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry [Laos], p. 60-61. Regional Workshop on Conservation Agriculture, 2008-10-28/2008-11-01, Phonsavan (Laos, République démocratique populaire).

Communication de congrès

Tivet F., Tran Quoc H., Boyer J., Chabanne A., Inthavong C., Senephansiri S., Keodouangsy L., Chounlamountry T., Khamxaykhay C., Panyasiri K., Séguy L.. 2010. In : Chanphengxay Monthathip B. (ed.), Khamhung Anonth (ed.), Panysiri Khamkéo (ed.), Chabanne André (ed.), Julien Frédéric (ed.), Tran Quoc Hoa (ed.), Lienhard Pascal (ed.), Tivet Florent (ed.). Investing in sustainable agriculture : the case of conservation agriculture and direct seeding mulch-based cropping systems. Proceedings of the Regional Workshop held in Phonsavan, Xieng Khouang Province, Lao PDR, 28th October - 1st November 2008. Vientiane : Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry [Laos], p. 130-144. Regional Workshop on Conservation Agriculture, 2008-10-28/2008-11-01, Phonsavan (Laos, République démocratique populaire).

Communication de congrès

Tivet F., Chabanne A., Tran Quoc H., Lienhard P., Jullien F., Panyasiri K., Rattanatray B., Chantharath B.. 2010. Montpellier : CIRAD, 58 p..

Document technique

Victot D., Tran Quoc H., Lienhard P., Chabanne A.. 2010. Villiers-sur-Marne : Images d'écoutes, 1 DVD.

Document audiovisuel

Julien F., Tran Quoc H., Lienhard P., Chabanne A., Khamhung A., Panyasiri K., Rattanatray B., Julien P., Tivet F., Séguy L.. 2008. In : Investing in Sustainable Agriculture : the case of conservation agriculture and direct seeding mulch-based cropping system : Regional Workshop on Conservation Agricultures, Phonsavan, Laos, 28 October - 1 November 2008. s.l. : s.n., (61 vues). Regional Workshop on Conservation Agriculture, 2008-10-28/2008-11-01, Phonsavan (Laos, République démocratique populaire).

Communication de congrès

Lienhard P., Sosomphou T., Tivet F., Panyasiri K., Chantharath B., Tran Quoc H., Khamxaykhay C.. 2007. Montpellier : CIRAD, 59 p..

Document technique

Chabanne A., Tivet F., Séguy L., Tran Quoc H., Lienhard P.. 2006. In : 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Sloping Lands and Watershed Management (SSLWM 2006), 12-15 December 2006, Luang Prabang. s.l. : s.n., 1 p.. International Conference on Sustainable Sloping Lands and Watershed Management. 2, 2006-12-12/2006-12-15, Luang Prabang (Laos, République démocratique populaire).

Communication de congrès

Jullien F., Khongthong K., Tran Quoc H., Khamxaykhay C., Rattanatray B.. 2006. In : 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Sloping Lands and Watershed Management (SSLWM 2006), 12-15 December 2006, Luang Prabang. s.l. : s.n., 1 p.. International Conference on Sustainable Sloping Lands and Watershed Management. 2, 2006-12-12/2006-12-15, Luang Prabang (Laos, République démocratique populaire).

Communication de congrès

Lienhard P., Tran Quoc H., Khamxaykhay C., Sosomphou T., Tivet F., Lestrelin G., Panyasiri K., Séguy L.. 2006. In : 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Sloping Lands and Watershed Management (SSLWM 2006), 12-15 December 2006, Luang Prabang. s.l. : s.n., 17 p.. International Conference on Sustainable Sloping Lands and Watershed Management. 2, 2006-12-12/2006-12-15, Luang Prabang (Laos, République démocratique populaire).

Communication de congrès

Tran Quoc H., Tivet F., Khamxaykhay C., Keodouangsy C., Séguy L.. 2006. In : Towards Sustainable Livelihoods and Ecosystems in Mountainous Regions, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 07-09 march 2006. s.l. : s.n., 9 p.. International Symposium on Towards Sustainable Livelihoods and Ecosystems in Mountainous Regions, 2006-03-07/2006-03-09, Chiang Mai (Thaïlande).

Communication de congrès

Tran Quoc H., Lienhard P., Khamxaykhay C., Sosomphou T., Tivet F.. 2005. In : Improving livelihoods in the uplands of the Lao PDR : A sourcebook. Volume 2. Options and opportunities. Vientiane : NAFRI, p. 17-21.

Chapitre d'ouvrage

Bouahom B., Tivet F., Tran Quoc H., Lienhard P., Chantharath B., Panyasiri K., Julien P., Séguy L.. 2005. In : FAO. 3rd World Congress on Conservation Agriculture : Linking Production, Livelihoods and Conservation, Nairobi, Kenya, 3rd to 7th October 2005. s.l. : s.n., 9 p.. Congrès mondial d'agriculture de conservation. 3, 2005-10-03/2005-10-07, Nairobi (Kenya).

Communication de congrès

Tran Quoc H., Tivet F., Khamxaykhay C., Chantip P., Chantharath B., Julien P., Séguy L.. 2005. In : FAO. 3rd World Congress on Conservation Agriculture : Linking Production, Livelihoods and Conservation, Nairobi, Kenya, 3rd to 7th October 2005. s.l. : s.n., 8 p.. Congrès mondial d'agriculture de conservation. 3, 2005-10-03/2005-10-07, Nairobi (Kenya).

Communication de congrès

Tran Quoc H., Khamxaykhay C., Tivet F., Chantharath B., Panyasiri K.. 2005. In : FAO. 3rd World Congress on Conservation Agriculture : Linking Production, Livelihoods and Conservation, Nairobi, Kenya, 3rd to 7th October 2005. s.l. : s.n., 1 p.. Congrès mondial d'agriculture de conservation. 3, 2005-10-03/2005-10-07, Nairobi (Kenya).

Communication de congrès

Tivet F., Tran Quoc H., Lienhard P., Panyasiri K., Chantharath B., Julien P., Séguy L.. 2005. Montpellier : CIRAD-CA, 142 p..

Document technique

Tivet F., Tran Quoc H., Lienhard P., Chabanne A., Panyasiri K.. 2005. Vientiane : PRONAE, 69 p..

Rapport de mission

Castella J.C., Tran Quoc H., Husson O., Vu Hai Nam, Dang Dinh Quang. 2004. Cahiers Agricultures, 13 (5) : p. 403-411.

Article (b-revue à comité de lecture)

Tivet F., Tran Quoc H., Khamxaykhay C., Chantharath B., Panyasiri K., Julien P., Séguy L.. 2004. In : eds. by Bounthong Bouahom, Aiden Glen. Poverty reduction and shifting cultivation stabilization in the Uplands of Lao PDR: Technologies, approaches and methods for improving Upland livelihoods: Proceedings of a workhsop, Luang Prabang, january 27-30 2004. Vientiane : NAFRI, 1 p.. Poverty Reduction and Shifting Cultivation Stabilization in the Uplands of Lao PDR : Technologies, Approaches and Methods for Improving Upland Livelihoods, 2004-01-27/2004-01-30, Luang Prabang (Laos, République démocratique populaire).

Communication de congrès

Tivet F., Tran Quoc H., Senephansiri S., Phonekhanpeng C., Khamxaykhay C., Chantharath B., Panyasiri K., Julien P., Séguy L.. 2004. In : eds. by Bounthong Bouahom, Aiden Glen. Poverty reduction and shifting cultivation stabilization in the Uplands of Lao PDR: Technologies, approaches and methods for improving Upland livelihoods: Proceedings of a workhsop, Luang Prabang, january 27-30 2004. Vientiane : NAFRI, 1 p.. Poverty Reduction and Shifting Cultivation Stabilization in the Uplands of Lao PDR : Technologies, Approaches and Methods for Improving Upland Livelihoods, 2004-01-27/2004-01-30, Luang Prabang (Laos, République démocratique populaire).

Communication de congrès

Tran Quoc H., Lienhard P., Tivet F., Khamxaykhay C., Sosomphou T., Chantharath B., Panyasiri K., Julien P.. 2004. In : eds. by Bounthong Bouahom, Aiden Glen. Poverty reduction and shifting cultivation stabilization in the Uplands of Lao PDR: Technologies, approaches and methods for improving Upland livelihoods: Proceedings of a workhsop, Luang Prabang, january 27-30 2004. Vientiane : NAFRI, 1 p.. Poverty Reduction and Shifting Cultivation Stabilization in the Uplands of Lao PDR : Technologies, Approaches and Methods for Improving Upland Livelihoods, 2004-01-27/2004-01-30, Luang Prabang (Laos, République démocratique populaire).

Communication de congrès

Tivet F., Tran Quoc H., Phanthanivong I., Soukhalivong K., Phonekhanpeng C., Konthong K., Khamxaykhay C., Chantharath B., Panyasiri K., Lienhard P., Julien P., Lecomte P.. 2004. In : eds. by Bounthong Bouahom, Aiden Glen. Poverty reduction and shifting cultivation stabilization in the Uplands of Lao PDR: Technologies, approaches and methods for improving Upland livelihoods: Proceedings of a workhsop, Luang Prabang, january 27-30 2004. Vientiane : NAFRI, 1 p.. Poverty Reduction and Shifting Cultivation Stabilization in the Uplands of Lao PDR : Technologies, Approaches and Methods for Improving Upland Livelihoods, 2004-01-27/2004-01-30, Luang Prabang (Laos, République démocratique populaire).

Communication de congrès

Tivet F., Tran Quoc H., Khamxaykhay C., Chantharath B., Panyasiri K., Julien P., Séguy L.. 2004. In : eds. by Bounthong Bouahom, Aiden Glen. Poverty reduction and shifting cultivation stabilization in the Uplands of Lao PDR: Technologies, approaches and methods for improving Upland livelihoods: Proceedings of a workhsop, Luang Prabang, january 27-30 2004. Vientiane : NAFRI, 1 p.. Poverty Reduction and Shifting Cultivation Stabilization in the Uplands of Lao PDR : Technologies, Approaches and Methods for Improving Upland Livelihoods, 2004-01-27/2004-01-30, Luang Prabang (Laos, République démocratique populaire).

Communication de congrès

Tran Quoc H., Lienhard P., Tivet F., Sosomphou T., Khamxaykhay C., Chantharath B., Panyasiri K., Julien P., Séguy L.. 2004. In : eds. by Bounthong Bouahom, Aiden Glen. Poverty reduction and shifting cultivation stabilization in the Uplands of Lao PDR: Technologies, approaches and methods for improving Upland livelihoods: Proceedings of a workhsop, Luang Prabang, january 27-30 2004. Vientiane : NAFRI, 1 p.. Poverty Reduction and Shifting Cultivation Stabilization in the Uplands of Lao PDR : Technologies, Approaches and Methods for Improving Upland Livelihoods, 2004-01-27/2004-01-30, Luang Prabang (Laos, République démocratique populaire).

Communication de congrès

Tran Quoc H., Lienhard P., Khamxaykhay C., Chantharath B., Panyasiri K., Tivet F.. 2004. In : eds. by Bounthong Bouahom, Aiden Glen. Poverty reduction and shifting cultivation stabilization in the Uplands of Lao PDR: Technologies, approaches and methods for improving Upland livelihoods: Proceedings of a workhsop, Luang Prabang, january 27-30 2004. Vientiane : NAFRI, 12 p.. Poverty Reduction and Shifting Cultivation Stabilization in the Uplands of Lao PDR : Technologies, Approaches and Methods for Improving Upland Livelihoods, 2004-01-27/2004-01-30, Luang Prabang (Laos, République démocratique populaire).

Communication de congrès

Tivet F., Tran Quoc H., Khamxaykhay C., Chantharath B., Julien P., Sosomphou T., Panyasiri K.. 2004. In : eds. by Bounthong Bouahom, Aiden Glen. Poverty reduction and shifting cultivation stabilization in the Uplands of Lao PDR: Technologies, approaches and methods for improving Upland livelihoods: Proceedings of a workhsop, Luang Prabang, january 27-30 2004. Vientiane : NAFRI, p. 259-278. Poverty Reduction and Shifting Cultivation Stabilization in the Uplands of Lao PDR : Technologies, Approaches and Methods for Improving Upland Livelihoods, 2004-01-27/2004-01-30, Luang Prabang (Laos, République démocratique populaire).

Communication de congrès

Tivet F., Chantharath B., Tran Quoc H., Julien P., Lienhard P., Panyasiri K., Séguy L.. 2004. In : eds. by Bounthong Bouahom, Aiden Glen. Poverty reduction and shifting cultivation stabilization in the Uplands of Lao PDR: Technologies, approaches and methods for improving Upland livelihoods: Proceedings of a workhsop, Luang Prabang, january 27-30 2004. Vientiane : NAFRI, p. 375-388. Poverty Reduction and Shifting Cultivation Stabilization in the Uplands of Lao PDR : Technologies, Approaches and Methods for Improving Upland Livelihoods, 2004-01-27/2004-01-30, Luang Prabang (Laos, République démocratique populaire).

Communication de congrès

Tivet F., Tran Quoc H., Khamxaykhay C., Chounlamountry T., Chanthaphoumy B., Chaykhouang S., Khonethong K., Phaypadith K., Phonekhanpeng C., Sathavanh B., Senephansiri S.. 2004. In : eds. by Bounthong Bouahom, Aiden Glen. Poverty reduction and shifting cultivation stabilization in the Uplands of Lao PDR: Technologies, approaches and methods for improving Upland livelihoods: Proceedings of a workhsop, Luang Prabang, january 27-30 2004. Vientiane : NAFRI, 1 p.. Poverty Reduction and Shifting Cultivation Stabilization in the Uplands of Lao PDR : Technologies, Approaches and Methods for Improving Upland Livelihoods, 2004-01-27/2004-01-30, Luang Prabang (Laos, République démocratique populaire).

Communication de congrès

Castella J.C., Tran Quoc H., Husson O., Vu Hai Nam, Dang Dinh Quang. 2002. In : Castella Jean-Christophe (ed.), Dang Dinh Quang (ed.). Doi Moi in the mountains : Land use changes and farmers' livelihood strategies in Bac Kan Province, Viet Nam. Hanoï : The Agricultural Publishing House, p. 47-71.

Chapitre d'ouvrage

Castella J.C., Tran Quoc H., Husson O., Vu Hai Nam, Dan Dinh Quang. 2001. Hanoï : VASI, 21 p.. (SAM Paper Series, 8).

Document technique