Cette entrée donne accès aux publications déposées dans Agritrop depuis 2008, par pays et établissement d'appartenance des coauteurs.
Année de publication : | Type de document : |
94 publications
Neugarten R.A., Rasolofoson R.A., Barrett C.B., Vieilledent G., Rodewald A.D.. 2024. Nature Communications, 15 : 13 p..
Salojärvi J., Rambani A., Yu Z., Guyot R., Strickler S.R., Lepelley M., Wang C., Rajaraman S., Rastas P., Zheng C., Santos Muñoz D., Meidanis J., Rossi Paschoal A., Bawin Y., Krabbenhoft T.J., Wang Z.Q., Fleck S.J., Aussel R., Bellanger L., Charpagne A., Fournier C., Kassam M., Lefebvre G., Métairon S., Descombes P., Rigoreau M., Stolte J., Hamon P., Couturon E., Tranchant-Dubreuil C., Mukherjee M., Lan T., Engelhardt J., Stadler P., De Lemos S.M.C., Ivamoto Suzuki S., Sumirat U., Wai C.M., Dauchot N., Orozco-Arias S., Garavito G., Kiwuka C., Musoli P., Nalukenge A., Guichoux E., Reinout H., Smit M., Carretero-Paulet L., Guerreiro Filho O., Toma Braghini M., Padilha L., Hiroshi Sera G., Ruttink T., Henry R., Marraccini P., et al.. 2024. Nature Genetics, 56 : p. 721-731.
Uphoff N.T. (ed.), Thies J. (ed.), Ball A.S., Doni F., Husson O., Laing M.D., Montgomery D.R., Prasanna R., Pretty J., Primavesi O., Wood S.. 2024. In : Biological Approaches to Regenerative Soil Systems. Boca Raton : CRC Press, 630 p.. (Books in Soils, Plants, and the Environment).
Uphoff N.T., Thies J., Ball A.S., Doni F., Husson O., Laing M.D., Montgomery D.R., Prasanna R., Pretty J., Primavesi O., Wood S.. 2024. In : Uphoff Norman (ed.), Thies Jancie (ed.), Ball Andrew S. (ed.), Doni Febri (ed.), Husson Olivier (ed.), Laing Mark D. (ed.), Montgomery David R. (ed.), Prasanna Radha (ed.), Pretty Jules (ed.), Primavesi Odo (ed.), Wood Stephen (ed.). Biological approaches to regenerative soil systems. Boca Raton : CRC Press, p. 567-576. (Books in Soils, Plants, and the Environment).
Uphoff N.T., Thies J., Ball A.S., Doni F., Husson O., Laing M.D., Montgomery D.R., Prasanna R., Pretty J., Primavesi O., Wood S.. 2024. In : Uphoff Norman (ed.), Thies Jancie (ed.), Ball Andrew S. (ed.), Doni Febri (ed.), Husson Olivier (ed.), Laing Mark D. (ed.), Montgomery David R. (ed.), Prasanna Radha (ed.), Pretty Jules (ed.), Primavesi Odo (ed.), Wood Stephen (ed.). Biological approaches to regenerative soil systems. Boca Raton : CRC Press, p. 589-596. (Books in Soils, Plants, and the Environment).
Uphoff N.T., Thies J., Ball A.S., Doni F., Husson O., Laing M.D., Montgomery D.R., Prasanna R., Pretty J., Primavesi O., Wood S.. 2024. In : Uphoff Norman (ed.), Thies Jancie (ed.), Ball Andrew S. (ed.), Doni Febri (ed.), Husson Olivier (ed.), Laing Mark D. (ed.), Montgomery David R. (ed.), Prasanna Radha (ed.), Pretty Jules (ed.), Primavesi Odo (ed.), Wood Stephen (ed.). Biological approaches to regenerative soil systems. Boca Raton : CRC Press, p. 577-588. (Books in Soils, Plants, and the Environment).
Uphoff N.T., Thies J., Ball A.S., Doni F., Husson O., Laing M.D., Montgomery D.R., Prasanna R., Pretty J., Primavesi O., Wood S.. 2024. In : Uphoff Norman (ed.), Thies Jancie (ed.), Ball Andrew S. (ed.), Doni Febri (ed.), Husson Olivier (ed.), Laing Mark D. (ed.), Montgomery David R. (ed.), Prasanna Radha (ed.), Pretty Jules (ed.), Primavesi Odo (ed.), Wood Stephen (ed.). Biological approaches to regenerative soil systems. Boca Raton : CRC Press, p. 3-12. (Books in Soils, Plants, and the Environment).
Acuña I., Andrade-Piedra J.L., Andrivon D., Armengol J., Arnold A.E., Avelino J., Bandyopadhyay R., Bihon Legesse W., Bock C.H., Bove F., Brenes-Arguedas T., Calonnec A., Carmona M., Carnegie A.J., Castilla N.P., Chen X., Della Coletta-Filho H., Coley P.D., Cox K.D., Davey T., Del Ponte E., Denman S., Dewdney M.M., Djurle A., Drenth A., Ducousso A., Esker P., Fiaboe K.K.M., Fourie P.H., Frankel S.J., Frey P., Garcia-Figuera S., Garrett K.A., Guérin M., Hardy G.E.S.J., Hausladen H., Hu X., Hüberli D., Juzwik J., Kang Z., Kenyon L., Kreuze J., Kromann P., Kubiriba J., Kuhnem P., Kumar J., Kumar P.L., Lebrun M.H., Legg J., Leon A., Ma Z., Mahuku G., Makinson R.O., Marzachi C., McDonald B.A., McRoberts N., Menkir A., Mikaberidze A., Munck I.A., Nelson A., Nguyen N.T.T., O’Gara E., Ojiambo P., Ortega-Beltran A., Paul P., Pethybridge S., Pinon J., Ramsfield T., Rizzo D.M., Rossi V., Safni I., Sah S., Santini A., Sautua F., Savary S., Schreinemachers P., Singh M., Spear E.R., Srinivasan R., T. 2023. Plant Disease, 107 : p. 3649-3665.
Castella J.C., Lu J., Friis C., Bruun H.H., Cole R., Junquera V., Kenney-Lazar M., Mahanty S., Ornetsmüller C., Pravalprukskul P., Vagneron I.. 2023. Global Environmental Change, 80 : 18 p..
Wang Y., Joseph S., Wang X., Weng Z.H., Mitchell D.R.G., Nancarrow M., Taherymoosavi S., Munroe P., Li G., Lin Q., Chen Q., Flury M., Cowie A., Husson O., van Zwieten L., Kuzyakov Y., Lehmann J., Li B., Shang J.. 2023. Environmental Science and Technology, 57 (4) : p. 1837-1847.
Zurek M., Wirths J., Hebinck A., Crawford S., Lidder P., Prasad P.V.V., Tittonell P., Herrero M., Compton J.. 2023. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 7 : 15 p..
Schneider K.R., Fanzo J., Haddad L., Herrero M., Moncayo J.R., Herforth A., Remans R., Guarin A., Resnick D., Covic N., Bene C., Cattaneo A., Aburto N.J., Ambikapathi R., Aytekin D., Barquera S., Battersby J., Beal T., Molina P.B., Cafiero C., Campeau C., Caron P., et al.. 2023. Nature Food, 4 (12) : p. 1090-1110.
Hendriks S., De Groot Ruiz A., Herrero Acosta M., Baumers H., Galgani P., Mason-D'Croz D., Godde C., Waha K., Kanidou D., Von Braun J., Benitez M., Blanke J., Caron P., Fanzo J., Greb F., Haddad L., Herforth A., Jordaan D., Masters W., Sadoff C., Soussana J.F., Tirado M.C., Torero M., Watkins M.. 2023. In : Von Braun Joachim (ed.), Afsana Kaosar (ed.), Fresco louise O. (ed.), Hassan Mohamed Hag Ali (ed.). Science and innovations for food systems transformation. Cham : Springer, p. 581-601.
Ouedraogo N., Raboin L.M., Thio I.G., Sanou A., Kouraogo I., Boro O., Sawadogo A.P., Yonli D., Gracen V., Nebie B., Ousseini A.. 2023. In : Sorghum in the 21th century: Resiliency and Sustainability in the Face of Climate Change. Book of Abstracts. Montpellier : CIRAD; Kansas State University, p. 260. Sorghum in the 21st Century, Global Sorghum Conference, 2023-06-05/2023-06-09, Montpellier (France).
Ouedraogo N., Raboin L.M., Thio I.G., Drabo I., Kouraogo I., Sawadogo A.P., Gracen V.. 2023. In : Sorghum in the 21th century: Resiliency and Sustainability in the Face of Climate Change. Book of Abstracts. Montpellier : CIRAD; Kansas State University, p. 259. Sorghum in the 21st Century, Global Sorghum Conference, 2023-06-05/2023-06-09, Montpellier (France).
Joly A., Goeau H., Kahl S., Picek L., Botella C., Marcos D., Sulc M., Hrúz M., Lorieul T., Moussi S.S., Servajean M., Kellenberger B., Cole E., Durso A., Glotin H., Planqué R., Vellinga W.P., Klinck H., Denton T., Eggel I., Bonnet P., Müller H.. 2023. In : Kamps Jaap (ed.), Goeuriot Lorraine (ed.), Crestani Fabio (ed.), Maistro Maria (ed.), Joho Hideo (ed.), Davis Brian (ed.), Gurrin Cathal (ed.), Kruschwitz Udo (ed.), Caputo Annalina (ed.). Advances in Information Retrieval:45th European Conference on Information Retrieval, ECIR 2023, Dublin, Ireland, April 2–6, 2023, Proceedings, Part III. Cham : Springer, p. 568-576. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13982). European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2023). 45, 2023-04-02/2023-04-06, Dublin (Irlande).
Joly A., Botella C., Picek L., Kahl S., Goeau H., Deneu B., Marcos D., Estopinan J., Leblanc C., Larcher T., Chamidullin R., Sulc M., Hrúz M., Servajean M., Glotin H., Planqué R., Vellinga W.P., Klinck H., Denton T., Eggel I., Bonnet P., Müller H.. 2023. In : Arampatzis Avi (ed.), Kanoulas Evangelos (ed.), Tsikrika Theodora (ed.), Vrochidis Stefanos (ed.), Giachanou Anastasia (ed.), Li Dan (ed.), Aliannejadi Mohammad (ed.), Vlachos Michalis (ed.), Faggioli Guglielmo (ed.), Ferro Nicola (ed.). Experimental IR meets multilinguality, multimodality, and interaction: 14th International Conference of the CLEF Association, CLEF 2023, Thessaloniki, Greece, September 18–21, 2023, Proceedings. Cham : Springer, p. 416-439. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 14163). International Conference of the Cross-Language Evalution Forum for European Languages. 14, 2023-09-18/2023-09-21, Thessaloniki (Grèce).
Joly A., Goeau H., Kahl S., Picek L., Lorieul T., Cole E., Deneu B., Servajean M., Durso A., Bolon I., Glotin H., Planqué R., Vellinga W.P., Klinck H., Denton T., Eggel I., Bonnet P., Müller H., Sulc M.. 2022. In : Hagen Matthias (ed.), Verberne Suzan (ed.), Macdonald Craig (ed.), Seifert Christin (ed.), Balog Krisztian (ed.), Norvag Kjetil (ed.), Setty Vinary (ed.). Advances in information retrieval : 44th European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2022, Stavanger, Norway, April 10–14, 2022, Proceedings, Part II. Cham : Springer, p. 390-399. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13186). European Conference on IR Research (ECIR 2022). 44, 2022-04-10/2022-04-14, Stavanger (Norvège).
Joly A., Goeau H., Kahl S., Picek L., Lorieul T., Cole E., Deneu B., Servajean M., Durso A., Glotin H., Planqué R., Vellinga W.P., Navine A., Klinck H., Denton T., Eggel I., Bonnet P., Sulc M., Hrúz M.. 2022. In : Barron-Cedeno Alberto (ed.), Da San Martino Giovanni (ed.), Faggioli Guglielmo (ed.), Ferro Nicola (ed.), Degli Esposti Mirko (ed.), Sebastiani Fabrizio (ed.), Macdonald Craig (ed.), Pasi Gabriella (ed.), Hanbury Allan (ed.), Potthast Martin (ed.). Experimental IR meets multilinguality, multimodality, and interaction : 13th International Conference of the CLEF Association, CLEF 2022, Bologna, Italy, September 5–8, 2022, Proceedings. Cham : Springer, p. 257-285. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13390). International Conference of the CLEF Association (CLEF 2022). 13, 2022-09-05/2022-09-08, Bologne (Italie).
Valencia V., Harvey C.A., Pritts A.A., Zwetsloot M.J., Kees J., Pulleman M., Armbrecht I., Avelino J., Barrera J.F., Bunn C., Hoyos GarcÃa J., Isaza C., Munoz J., Perez C., Rahn E., Robiglio V., Somarriba E.. 2022. In : En transition vers un monde viable. Québec : Université de Laval; IUAF-ICRAF, 1 p.. Congrès mondial d'agroforesterie. 5, 2022-07-17/2022-07-20, Québec (Canada).
Thiele G., Dufour D., Vernier P., Mwanga R.O.M., Parker M.L., Schulte Geldermann E., Teeken B., Wossen T., Gotor E., Kikulwe E.M., Tufan H., Sinelle S., Kouakou A.M., Friedmann M., Polar V., Hershey C.. 2021. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 56 (3) : p. 1076-1092.
DOI: 10.1111/ijfs.14684
Reshetnyak G., Jacobs J.M., Auguy F., Sciallano C., Claude L., Medina C., Pérez-Quintero A.L., Comte A., Thomas E., Bogdanove A.J., Koebnik R., Szurek B., Diévart A., Brugidou C., Lacombe S., Cunnac S.. 2021. Scientific Reports, 11 (1) : 20 p..
Forsythe L., Tufan H., Bouniol A., Kleih U., Fliedel G.. 2021. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 56 (3) : p. 1115-1123.
DOI: 10.18167/DVN1/WWJVSX
DOI: 10.18167/DVN1/BLP3WP
DOI: 10.18167/DVN1/TEMWZA
DOI: 10.18167/DVN1/ZIVLOH
DOI: 10.18167/DVN1/HQX13V
DOI: 10.18167/DVN1/F2GBV3
DOI: 10.18167/DVN1/AJNOH8
DOI: 10.18167/DVN1/IPZ74N
DOI: 10.18167/DVN1/VJX3Z6
DOI: 10.18167/DVN1/COAEIP
DOI: 10.18167/DVN1/FKFPOS
DOI: 10.1111/ijfs.14680
Nanyonjo A.R., Kawuki R.S., Kyazze F., Esuma W., Wembabazi E., Dufour D., Nuwamanya E., Tufan H.. 2021. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 56 (3) : p. 1289-1297.
DOI: 10.1111/ijfs.14940
Phillips H.R.P., Bach E.M., Bartz M.L.C., Bennett J., Beugnon R., Briones M.J.I., Brown G.G., Ferlian O., Gongalsky K.B., Guerra C.A., König-Ries B., Krebs J., Orgiazzi A., Ramirez K.S., Russell D., Schwarz B., Wall D.H., Brose U., Decaëns T., Lavelle P., Loreau M., Mathieu J., Mulder C., van der Putten W.H., Rillig M.C., Thakur M.P., de Vries F.T., Wardle D.A., Ammer C., Ammer S., Arai M., Ayuke F.O., Baker G.H., Baretta D., Barkusky D., Beauséjour R., Bedano J.C., Birkhofer K., Blanchart E., Blossey B., Bolger T., Bradley R.L., Brossard M., Burtis J.C., Capowiez Y., Cavagnaro T.R., Choi A., Clause J., Cluzeau D., Coors A., Crotty F.V., Crumsey J.M., Dávalos A., Diaz Cosin D.J., Dobson A.M., Dominguez A., Duhour A.E., van Eekeren N., Emmerling C., Falco L.B., Fernández R., Fonte S.J., Fragoso C., Franco A.L.C., Fusilero A.T., Geraskina A.P., Gholami S., González G., Gundale M.J., Gutiérrez López M., Hackenberger B.K., Hackenberger D.K., Hernández L.M., Hirth J.R., Hishi T., Holdsworth. 2021. Scientific Data, 8 (1) : 12 p..
Juma R.U., Bartholome J., Thathapalli Prakash P., Hussain W., Platten J.D., Lopena V., Verdeprado H., Murori R., Ndayiragije A., Kumar Katiyar S., Islam M.R., Biswas P.S., Rutkoski J., Arbelaez J.D., Mbute F.N., Miano D.W., Cobb J.N.. 2021. Rice, 14 (1) : 22 p..
Pitman N.C.A., Suwa T., Ulloa Ulloa C., Miller J., Solomon J., Philipp J., Vriesendorp C.F., Derby Lewis A., Perk S., Bonnet P., Joly A., Tobler M.W., Best J.H., Janovec J.P., Nixon K.C., Thiers B.M., Tulig M., Gilbert E.E., Campostrini Forzza R., Zimbrão G., Ranzato Filardi F.L., Turner R., Zuloaga F.O., Belgrano M.J., Zanotti C.A., de Vos J.M., Hettwer Giehl E.L., Paine C.E.T., Texeira de Queiroz R., Romoleroux K., Hilo de Souza E.. 2021. Nature Plants, 7 : p. 1010-1014.
Moreno J.L., Tran T., Cantero-Tubilla B., Becerra López Lavalle L.A., Dufour D.. 2021. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 56 (3) : p. 1171-1183.
DOI: 10.1111/ijfs.14851
Harvey C.A., Pritts A.A., Zwetsloot M.J., Jansen K., Pulleman M., Armbrecht I., Avelino J., Barrera J.F., Bunn C., Hoyos GarcÃa J., Isaza C., Munoz-Ucros J., Pérez-Alemán C.J., Rahn E., Robiglio V., Somarriba E., Valencia V.. 2021. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 41 : 19 p..
Teeken B., Agbona A., Abolore B., Olaosebikan D.O., Alamu E., Adesokan M., Awoyale W., Madu T., Okoye B., Chijioke U., Owoade D., Okoro M., Bouniol A., Dufour D., Hershey C., Rabbi I.Y., Egesi C., Tufan H., Kulakow P.. 2021. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 56 (3) : p. 1258-1277.
DOI: 10.1111/ijfs.14862
Fanzo J., Haddad L., Schneider K.R., Bene C., Covic N., Guarin A., Herforth A., Herrero Acosta M., Sumaila U.R., Aburto N.J., Amuyunzu-Nyamongo M., Barquera S., Battersby J., Beal T., Bizzotto Molina P., Brusset E., Cafiero C., Campeau C., Caron P., et al.. 2021. Food Policy, 104 : 20 p..
Roupsard O., Allinne C., Van Den Meersche K., Vaast P., Rapidel B., Avelino J., Jourdan C., Le Maire G., Bonnefond J.M., Harmand J.M., Dauzat J., Albrecht A., Chevallier T., Barthès B., Clément-Vidal A., Gómez-Delgado F., Charbonnier F., Benegas L., Welsh K., Kinoshita R., Vezy R., Pérez-Molina J.P., Kim J., Taugourdeau S., Defrenet E., Nespoulous J., Rançon F., Guidat F., Cambou A., Soma M., Mages C., Schnabel F., Prieto I., Picart D., Duthoit M., Rocheteau A., Do F.C., de Melo Virginio Filho E., Moussa R., Le Bissonnais Y., Valentin C., Sánchez-Murillo R., Roumet C., Stokes A., Vierling L.A., Eitel J.U.H., Dreyer E., Saint-André L., Malmer A., Loustau D., Isaac M.E., Martin A.R., Priemé A., Eberling B., Madsen M., Robelo A., Robelo D., Borgonovo C., Lehner P., Ramirez G., Jara M., Acuna Vargas R., Barquero A., Fonseca C., Gay F.. 2021. AgroForesterÃa en las Américas (51) : p. 152-164.
Barlow J., Lees A.C., Sist P., Almeida R., Arantes C., Armenteras D., Berenguer E., Caron P., Cuesta F., Doria C., Ferreira J.N., Flecker A., Heilpern S., Kalamandeen M., Nascimento N., Peña-Claros M., Piponiot C., Santos Pompeu P., Souza C., Valentim J.F.. 2021. In : Nobre C. (ed.), Encalada A. (ed.), Anderson E. (ed.), Roca Alcazar F.H. (ed.), Bustamante M. (ed.), et al.. Amazon Assessment Report 2021. New York : United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network, p. 1-15.
DOI: 10.55161/DTTQ9410
Barlow J., Sist P., Almeida R., Arantes C., Berenguer E., Caron P., Cuesta F., Doria C., Ferreira J.N., Flecker A., Heilpern S., Kalamandeen M., Lees A.C., Nascimento N., Peña-Claros M., Piponiot C., Santos Pompeu P., Souza C., Valentim J.F.. 2021. In : Nobre C. (ed.), Encalada A. (ed.), Anderson E. (ed.), Roca Alcazar F.H. (ed.), Bustamante M. (ed.), et al.. Amazon Assessment Report 2021. New York : United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network, p. 1-35.
DOI: 10.55161/OSPD2912
Barlow J., Sist P., Almeida R., Arantes C., Berenguer E., Caron P., Cuesta F., Doria C., Ferreira J.N., Flecker A., Heilpern S., Kalamandeen M., Lees A.C., Nascimento N., Piponiot C., Santos Pompeu P., Souza C., Valentim J.F.. 2021. In : Amazon Assessment Report 2021. New York : United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network, p. 1-30.
DOI: 10.55161/GGIR9016
Hendriks S., De Groot Ruiz A., Herrero Acosta M., Baumers H., Galgani P., Mason-D'Croz D., Godde C., Waha K., Kanidou D., Von Braun J., Benitez M., Blanke J., Caron P., Fanzo J., Greb F., Haddad L., Herforth A., Jordaan D., Masters W., Sadoff C., Soussana J.F., Tirado M.C., Torero M., Watkins M.. 2021. In : Science and Innovationsfor Food Systems Transformation and Summit Actions. Papers by the Scientific Group and its partners in support of the UN Food Systems Summit. New York : SC-FSS. United Nations Food Systems Summit, 2021-08-23/2021-09-23, New York (Etats-Unis).
Ricciardi V., Wane A., Sidhu B.S., Goode C., Solomon D., McCullough E., Diekmann F., Porciello J., Jain M., Randall N., Mehrabi Z.. 2020. Nature Sustainability : 11 p..
Volante A., Tondelli A., Desiderio F., Abbruscato P., Menin B., Biselli C., Casella L., Singh N., McCouch S., Tharreau D., Zampieri E., Cattivelli L., Valè G.. 2020. Rice, 13 : 17 p..
Studholme D.J., Wicker E., Muzemil Abrare S., Aspin A., Bogdanove A.J., Broders K., Dubrow Z., Grant M., Jones J.B., Karamura D., Lang J.M., Leach J.E., Mahuku G., Nakato G.V., Coutinho T.A., Smith J., Bull C.T.. 2020. Phytopathology, 110 (6) : p. 1153-1160.
Prakash P.T., Arbelaez Velez J.D., Verdeprado H., Lopena V., Imee Zhella R., Bartholome J., Rutkoski J., Murori R., Ndayiragije A., Rafiqul M., Kumar Katiyar S., Cobb J.. 2020. In : Abstracts workshops of the PAG XXVIII. San Diego : PAG, p. 129-130. Plant and Animal Genome. 28, 2020-01-11/2020-01-15, San Diego (Etats-Unis).
Joly A., Goeau H., Kahl S., Deneu B., Servajean M., Cole E., Picek L., Ruiz de Castañeda R., Bolon I., Durso A., Lorieul T., Botella C., Glotin H., Champ J., Eggel I., Vellinga W.P., Bonnet P., Müller H.. 2020. In : Arampatzis Avi (ed.), Kanoulas Evangelos (ed.), Tsikrika Theodora (ed.), Vrochidis Stefanos (ed.), et Al.. Experimental IR meets multilinguality, multimodality, and interaction: 11th International Conference of the CLEF Association, CLEF 2020, Thessaloniki, Greece, September 22–25, 2020, Proceedings. Cham : Springer, p. 342-363. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12260). International Conference of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum for European Languages, 2020-09-22/2020-09-25, Thessaloniki (Grèce).
Cobb J., Rafiqul M., Kumar Katiyar S., Ndayiragije A., Murori R., Platten J.D., Bartholome J.. 2020. In : Abstracts workshops of the PAG XXVIII. San Diego : PAG, p. 9-9. Plant and Animal Genome. 28, 2020-01-11/2020-01-15, San Diego (Etats-Unis).
Nti-Addae Y., Matthews D., Ulat V.J., Syed R., Sempere G., Petel A., Renner J., Larmande P., Guignon V., Jones E., Robbins K.. 2019. Database, 2019 : 10 p..
Selby P., Abbeloos R., Backlund J.E., Basterrechea Salido M., Bauchet G., Benites-Alfaro O.E., Birkett C., Calaminos V.C., Carceller P., Cornut G., Vasques Costa B., Edwards J.D., Finkers R., Yanxin Gao S., Ghaffar M., Glaser P., Guignon V., Hok P., Kilian A., König P., Lagare J.E.B., Lange M., Laporte M.A., Larmande P., LeBauer D.S., Lyon D.A., Marshall D.S., Matthews D., Milne I., Mistry N., Morales N., Mueller L., Neveu P., Papoutsoglou E., Pearce B., Perez-Masias I., Pommier C., RamÃrez-González R.H., Rathore A., Raquel A.M., Raubach S., Rife T., Robbins K., Rouard M., Sarma C., Scholz U., Sempere G., et al.. 2019. Bioinformatics, 35 (20) : p. 4147-4155.
Phillips H.R.P., Guerra C.A., Bartz M.L.C., Briones M.J.I., Brown G.G., Crowther T.W., Ferlian O., Gongalsky K.B., van den Hoogen J., Krebs J., Orgiazzi A., Routh D., Schwarz B., Bach E.M., Bennett J., Brose U., Decaëns T., König-Ries B., Loreau M., Mathieu J., Mulder C., van der Putten W.H., Ramirez K.S., Rillig M.C., Russell D., Rutgers M., Thakur M.P., de Vries F.T., Wall D.H., Wardle D.A., Arai M., Ayuke F.O., Baker G.H., Beauséjour R., Bedano J.C., Birkhofer K., Blanchart E., Blossey B., Bolger T., Bradley R.L., Callaham M.A., Capowiez Y., Caulfield M.E., Choi A., Crotty F.V., Dávalos A., Diaz Cosin D.J., Dominguez A., Duhour A.E., van Eekeren N., Emmerling C., Falco L.B., Fernández R., Fonte S.J., Fragoso C., Franco A.L.C., Fugère M., Fusilero A.T., Gholami S., Gundale M.J., Gutiérrez López M., Hackenberger D.K., Hernández L.M., Hishi T., Holdsworth A.R., Holmstrup M., Hopfensperger K.N., Huerta Lwanga E., Huhta V., Hurisso T.T., Iannone III B.V., Iordache M., Joschko M., Kaneko. 2019. Science, 366 (6464) : p. 480-485.
Iragaba P., Nuwamanya E., Wembabazi E., Baguma Y., Dufour D., Earle E.D., Kerr R.B., Tufan H., Gore M.A., Kawuki R.S.. 2019. African Crop Science Journal, 27 (2) : p. 147-163.
DOI: 10.4314/acsj.v27i2.3
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