Comparative organoleptic evaluations of cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) accessions from the International Clone Trial by three sensory panels over two years
Sukha D.A., Seguine E.S., Assemat S., Butler D.R., Cilas C., Ribeyre F., Seni G., Cros E., Davrieux F., Eskes A.. 2011. In : Eskes Albertus (ed.). Collaborative and participatory approaches to cocoa variety improvement : final report of the CFC/ICCO/Biodiversity international project on "Cocoa productivity and quality improvement: a participatory approach" (2004-2010). Amsterdam : CFC, p. 128-141. (CFC Technical paper, 59).
The flavour attributes of cocoa liquors prepared from some cocoa clones planted in the International Clonal Trials of eight different countries were evaluated over two years on seven main flavour traits to examine individual and combined clonal and environmental effects. Fermented and dried cocoa bean samples were prepared in each country according to standardized protocols and the samples were evaluated for any defects before liquors were prepared according to a standard method. Sensory evaluation was undertaken by three panels, one consisting of two panellists and two consisting of one panellist. The results showed low coefficients of correlation between panels for the descriptors evaluated. However, the Multiple Factorial Analysis showed some common features between panels, depending on the axes. With regard to specific flavour attributes, acidity, bitterness and astringency were opposed to cocoa flavour intensity whilst floral flavour appeared to be the most independent flavour trait, related mainly to the clone for the two years' data that were analysed. Significant year and country effects were observed for cocoa flavour, acidity and astringency. The interaction between clones and countries (environment) were nonsignificant (P=0.05), although the P values were relatively low (varying between 0.06 and 0.34).
Mots-clés : theobroma cacao; flaveur; propriété organoleptique; analyse organoleptique; expérimentation; génotype; clone; fève de cacao; brésil; côte d'ivoire; Équateur; ghana; malaisie; papouasie-nouvelle-guinée; trinité-et-tobago; venezuela (république bolivarienne du)
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Agents Cirad, auteurs de cette publication :
- Assemat Sophie — Persyst / UMR QUALISUD
- Cilas Christian — Bios / UMR AGAP
- Davrieux Fabrice — Persyst / UMR QUALISUD
- Ribeyre Fabienne — Bios / UMR PHIM