Standard operating protocol for the instrumental determination of extensibility of pounded yam. Biophysical characterization of quality traits, WP2
Ayetigbo O., Domingo R., Arufe Vilas S., Mestres C., Akissoé N., Otegbayo B.O.. 2023. Montpellier : RTBfoods Project; CIRAD, 18 p..
DOI: 10.18167/DVN1/USQ3U5
DOI: 10.18167/DVN1/KLXCJQ
Pounded yam is a glutinous dough product made from yam tubers often consumed in bolus form along with stews or soups. It is considered a common cuisine in West Africa in countries like Nigeria, Benin, Ghana, Cameroon and Ivory Coast. Often mislabelled as 'fufu' in some cultures, pounded yam is prepared by peeling mature yams, washing, dicing, cooking, and pounding into a uniform consistency. Pounded yam is often preferably made from Dioscorea rotundata varieties of yam, and less often prepared from the Dioscorea alata varieties. This may be associated with the traditional consumer preference for a sufficiently doughy, stretchable, mouldable, and acceptably firm pounded yam. These quality attributes may be measured instrumentally by the use of texture analysers and can be possibly correlated with human sensory perception scores. The standard operating protocol (SOP) for determination of extensibility of pounded yam is based on its viscoelastic property. It measures how extensible the dough is when made into a sheet of about 1.5 mm thickness and a uniaxial force is exerted by a standard P/1SP probe under fixed test conditions. The conditions are: test mode: compression, load module: 5 kg, pre-test speed: 5 mm/s, test speed: 1 mm/s, post-test speed: 10 mm/s, trigger force: 5 g, target mode: distance, Distance: 40 mm. The repeatability of cooking replicates and ANOVA to classify four contrasting yams of varying textural quality were conducted. Correlations between sensory, instrumental, and consumer overall likeability provided relationships between measurable and discernible extensibility of pounded yam.
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Agents Cirad, auteurs de cette publication :
- Arufe Vilas Santiago — Persyst / UMR QUALISUD
- Ayetigbo Oluwatoyin — Persyst / UMR QUALISUD
- Domingo Romain — Persyst / UMR QUALISUD
- Mestres Christian — Persyst / UMR QUALISUD