Cette entrée donne accès aux publications déposées dans Agritrop, pour chaque auteur en activité au Cirad.
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162 publications
Bliman P.A., De la Tousche M., Dumont Y.. 2025. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 144 : 28 p..
Dumont Y.. 2025. In : Lusso Lucia (ed.), Giannino Francesco (ed.), Siettos Consiantinos (ed.). Book of Abstracts of DSABNS2025. s.l. : s.n., p. 254. Conference on Dynamical Systems Applied on Biology and Natural Sciences (DSABNS2025). 16, 2025-01-20/2025-01-24, Naples (Italie).
Dumont Y., Yatat Djeumen I.V.. 2024. Mathematical Biosciences, 370 : 28 p..
Dumont Y., Duprez M.. 2024. Journal of Biological Systems, 32 : 37 p..
Dumont Y., Oliva C.F.. 2024. PLoS Computational Biology, 20 (5) : 35 p..
Bliman P.A., Cardona-Salgado D., Dumont Y., Vasilieva O.. 2024. Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 279 (5) : p. 607-622.
Moquet L., Jacob V., Dumont Y., Duyck P.F., Delatte H.. 2024. Phytoma (773) : p. 30-33.
De la Tousche M., Bliman P.A., Dumont Y.. 2024. Lisbonne : Nova School of Science and Technology, 2 p.. Conference on Dynamical Systems Applied to Biology and Natural Sciences (DSABNS 2024). 15, 2024-02-06/2024-02-09, Lisbonne (Portugal).
Dumont Y.. 2024. s.l. : s.n., 1 p.. annual meeting of the Korean Society for Mathematical Biology and the Society for Mathematical Biology (KSMB - SMB), 2024-06-30/2024-07-05, Séoul (Corée, république de).
Dumont Y.. 2024. s.l. : s.n., 1 p.. BIOMATH 2024: Annual International Conference on Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences, 2024-06-16/2024-06-21, Scottburgh (Afrique du Sud).
Bliman P.A., Dumont Y., Escobar-Lasso O.E., Martinez-Romero H.J., Vasilieva O.. 2023. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 119 : p. 319-412.
Hamelin F., Hilker F.M., Dumont Y.. 2023. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 87 : 32 p..
Banasiak J., Dumont Y., Yatat Djeumen I.V.. 2023. Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, 31 : p. 547-580.
Sellier D., Mammeri Y., Peynaud E., Gomez-Gallego M., Leuzinger S., Dumont Y., Dickson A., Williams N.. 2023. In : 12th International Workshop on Sap Flow: Book of abstracts. Rotorua : ISHS, p. 42. International Workshop on Sap Flow. 12, 2023-10-31/2023-11-03, Rotorua (Nouvelle-Zélande).
Dumont Y., Yatat Djeumen I.V.. 2023. In : Conference abstracts of BIOMATH 2023. Pretoria : University of Pretoria, 2 p.. BIOMATH 2023: Annual International Conference on Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences, 2023-06-18/2023-06-23, Pomorie (Bulgarie).
Dumont Y., Duprez M., Privat Y.. 2023. In : Conference abstracts of BIOMATH 2023. Pretoria : University of Pretoria, 2 p.. BIOMATH 2023: Annual International Conference on Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences, 2023-06-18/2023-06-23, Pomorie (Bulgarie).
Hamelin F., Hilker F.M., Dumont Y.. 2023. Pretoria : University of Pretoria, 1 p.. Southern Africa Mathematical Sciences Association Annual Conference (SAMSA 2023), 2023-11-21/2023-11-24, Pretoria (Afrique du Sud).
Beaudoin-Ollivier L., Freyssinet E., Rahman Moeis R., Rouan L., Rey H., Afandi D., Syahputra I., Dumont Y., Ollivier L.. 2023. Kuala Lumpur : Malaysian Palm Oil Board, 1 poster. MPOB International palm Oil Congress and Exhibition (PIPOC 2023), 2023-11-07/2023-11-09, Kuala Lumpur (Malaisie).
Hamelin F., Hilker F.M., Dumont Y.. 2023. Marseille : CIRM, p. 34. Conference Mathematical Population Dynamics, Ecology and Evolution (MPDEE 2023), 2023-04-24/2023-04-28, Marseille (France).
Bliman P.A., Dumont Y.. 2022. Mathematical Biosciences, 350 : 23 p..
Dumont Y., Yatat Djeumen I.V.. 2022. Mathematical Biosciences, 343 : 26 p..
Vasilieva O., Escobar O., Martinez H., Bliman P.A., Dumont Y.. 2022. Richmond : Virginia Commonwealth University, 3 p.. Biology and Medicine Through Mathematics Conference, 2022-05-18/2022-05-20, Richmond (Etats-Unis).
Dumont Y.. 2022. In : Dynamical systems and applications in life and social sciences -Book of Abstracts - DSAL2S. Bedlewo : IMPAN, 2 p.. Dynamical Systems and Applications in Life and Social Sciences, 2022-05-08/2022-05-13, Bedlewo (Pologne).
Dumont Y.. 2022. Scottsburg : CoE-MaSS, 1 p.. ADEANS. 4, 2022-09-18/2022-09-23, Scottsburg (Afrique du Sud).
Matusse A., Chapwanya M., Dumont Y.. 2022. Scottsburg : CoE-MaSS, 1 p.. ADEANS. 4, 2022-09-18/2022-09-23, Scottsburg (Afrique du Sud).
Yatat Djeumen I.V., Dumont Y., Doizy A., Couteron P.. 2021. Ecological Modelling, 440 : 24 p..
Chapwanya M., Matusse A., Dumont Y.. 2021. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 90 : p. 912-942.
Chapwanya M., Dumont Y.. 2021. In : Teboh-Ewungkem Miranda I. (ed.), Ngwa Gideon Akumah (ed.). Infectious diseases and our planet. Cham : Springer, p. 57-95. (Mathematics of Plant Earth, 7).
Vasilieva O., Cardona-Salgado D., Dumont Y.. 2021. s.l. : s.n., 1 p.. Mathematical Congress of the Americas (MCA 2021), 2021-07-12/2021-07-16, Buenos Aires (Argentine).
Dumont Y., Oliva C.F.. 2021. Pretoria : University of Pretoria, p. 18-19. Biomath 2021: International Conference on Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences, 2021-06-20/2021-06-25, Pretoria (Afrique du Sud).
Matusse A., Chapwanya M., Dumont Y.. 2021. Pretoria : University of Pretoria, p. 30. Biomath 2021: International Conference on Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences, 2021-06-20/2021-06-25, Pretoria (Afrique du Sud).
Aronna M.S., Dumont Y.. 2021. s.l. : s.n., 1 p.. Mathematical Congress of the Americas (MCA 2021), 2021-07-12/2021-07-16, Buenos Aires (Argentine).
Yatat Djeumen I.V., Dumont Y.. 2021. Pretoria : University of Pretoria, p. 16. Biomath 2021: International Conference on Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences, 2021-06-20/2021-06-25, Pretoria (Afrique du Sud).
Talaga S., Déjean A., Azémar F., Dumont Y., Leroy C.. 2020. Journal of Pest Science, 93 : p. 941-952.
Djoukwe Tapi M.S., Bagny-Beilhe L., Dumont Y.. 2020. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 54 : 22 p..
Aronna M.S., Dumont Y.. 2020. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 82 (8) : 29 p..
Anguelov R., Dumont Y., Yatat Djeumen I.V.. 2020. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 43 (18) : p. 10391-10412.
DOI: 10.1002/mma.6385
Michel F., Soulie J.C., Dumont Y.. 2020. In : Convergence entre la théorie de la modélisation et de la simulation et les systèmes multi-agents. Toulouse : Cépaduès, p. 35-38. Journées francophones de la modélisation et de la simulation (JFMS 2020), 2020-11-02/2020-11-06, Cargèse (France).
Bliman P.A., Cardona-Salgado D., Dumont Y., Vasilieva O.. 2019. Mathematical Biosciences, 314 : p. 43-60.
Ngwa G.A., Teboh-Ewungkem M.I., Dumont Y., Ouifki R., Banasiak J.. 2019. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 481 : p. 202-222.
Strugarek M., Bossin H., Dumont Y.. 2019. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 68 : p. 443-470.
Thuilliez J., Dumont Y.. 2019. World Bank Economic Review, 33 (2) : p. 479-497.
DOI: 10.1093/wber/lhw066
Anguelov R., Bekker R., Dumont Y.. 2019. Biomath, 8 (1) : 17 p..
Chapwanya M., Dumont Y.. 2019. In : SANUM 2019: Abstracts. Pretoria : University of Pretoria, p. 18. SANUM 2019, 2019-03-27/2019-03-29, Pretoria (Afrique du Sud).
Anguelov R., Dumont Y., Yatat Djeumen I.V.. 2019. In : Book of abstracts of the conference on mathematical methods and models in biosciences 16th-22nd of june 2019, Bedlewo, Poland. Bedlowo : University of Warsaw, p. 32-32. Biomath 2019: International conference on Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences, 2019-06-16/2019-06-22, Bedlowo (Pologne).
Anguelov R., Dumont Y., Yatat Djeumen I.V.. 2019. In : SANUM 2019: Abstracts. Pretoria : University of Pretoria, p. 47. SANUM 2019, 2019-03-27/2019-03-29, Pretoria (Afrique du Sud).
Dumont Y., Anguelov R., Yatat V.. 2019. Fort Lauderdale : s.n., 1 p.. International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Population Dynamics. 5, 2019-05-19/2019-05-24, Fort Lauderdale (Etats-Unis).
Dumont Y.. 2019. In : WTEAM 2019 Official program. Asuncion : Fundación Moisés Bertoni; Facultad Politécnica de la UNA, p. 14-14. WTEAM 2019: Workshop on Advanced Control Techniques for Mosquito-Borne Diseases, 2019-11-11/2019-11-17, Asuncion (Paraguay).
Dumont Y.. 2019. Perpignan : LAboratory of Mathematics and PhySics (LAMPS); Université de Perpignan, 1 p.. Perpignan's days of Applied Mathematics (PDAM2019). 2, 2019-06-13/2019-06-14, Perpignan (France).
Anguelov R., Dumont Y., Yatat Djeumen I.V.. 2019. In : Posters Abstracts of the French-South African Science and Innovation Days. Pretoria : FRSAS, p. 50-50. French-South African Science and Innovation days. 1, 2019-12-02/2019-12-03, Pretoria (Afrique du Sud).
Yatat Djeumen I.V., Banasiak J., Dumont Y.. 2019. In : Book of abstracts of the conference on mathematical methods and models in biosciences 16th-22nd of june 2019, Bedlewo, Poland. Bedlowo : University of Warsaw, p. 86-86. Biomath 2019: international conference on Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences, 2019-06-16/2019-06-22, Bedlowo (Pologne).
Talaga S., Déjean A., Mouza C., Dumont Y., Leroy C.. 2018. Insect Science, 25 (6) : p. 1102-1107.
Dumont Y., Soulie J.C., Michel F.. 2018. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 41 (18) : p. 8545-8564. , ().
DOI: 10.1002/mma.4858
Nembot Fomba C.G., Takam Soh P., Ten Hoopen G.M., Dumont Y.. 2018. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 41 (18) : p. 8816-8843.
DOI: 10.1002/mma.5206
Tapi D., Bagny-Beilhe L., Bowong S., Dumont Y.. 2018. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 41 (18) : p. 8673-8696.
DOI: 10.1002/mma.5063
Chapwanya M., Dumont Y.. 2018. Ecological Complexity, 34 : p. 119-133.
Yatat V., Couteron P., Dumont Y.. 2018. Ecological Complexity, 36 : p. 290-313.
Yatat Djeumen I.V., Tchuinte Tamen A., Dumont Y., Couteron P.. 2018. Biomath, 7 (2) : 29 p..
Anguelov R., Bekker R., Dumont Y.. 2018. Biomath Communications, 5 (1) : 1 p.. Biomath 2018 : International Conference on Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences and a School for Young Scientists, 2018-06-24/2018-06-29, Sofia (Bulgarie).
Dumont Y., Strugarek M.. 2018. Biomath Communications, 5 (1) : 1 p.. Biomath 2018 : International Conference on Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences and a School for Young Scientists, 2018-06-24/2018-06-29, Sofia (Bulgarie).
Bliman P.A., Cardona-Salgado D., Dumont Y., Vasilieva O.. 2018. Biomath Communications, 5 (1) : 1 p.. Biomath 2018: International Conference on Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences and a School for Young Scientists, 2018-06-24/2018-06-29, Sofia (Bulgarie).
Yatat V., Dumont Y.. 2018. In : Roumen Anguelov (ed.), Miroslaw Lachowicz (ed.). Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences. International conference BIOMATH 2017. Sofia : Biomath Forum, p. 1-21. International conference BIOMATH 2017, 2017-06-25/2017-06-30, Kruger Park (Afrique du Sud).
Dumont Y., Soulie J.C., Michel F.. 2018. In : Picard Gauthier (ed.), Lang Christophe (ed.), Marilleau Nicolas (ed.). JFSMA 2018 - Systèmes multi-agents : Distribution et décentralisation. Toulouse : Cépaduès, p. 137-146. Journées francophones sur les systèmes multi-agents (JFSMA 2018). 26, 2018-10-10/2018-10-12, Métabief (France).
Couteron P., Dumont Y.. 2018. In : Arnaud Nicolas (ed.), Jouve Bertrand (ed.), Müller Jean-Pierre (ed.). Systèmes complexes de la biologie aux territoires. Montpellier : Agropolis International, p. 41-41. (Les dossiers d'Agropolis International, 23).
Tchuinte Tamen A., Dumont Y., Tewa J.J., Bowong S., Couteron P.. 2017. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 133 : p. 265-297.
Yatat V., Couteron P., Tewa J.J., Bowong S., Dumont Y.. 2017. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 74 (6) : p. 1425-1482.
Anguelov R., Dufourd C., Dumont Y.. 2017. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 52 : p. 437-457.
Anguelov R., Dufourd C., Dumont Y.. 2017. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 133 : p. 47-75.
Yatat V., Couteron P., Tewa J.J., Dumont Y.. 2017. Kruger Park : s.n., 1 p.. Biomath 2017 : International Conference on Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences and a School for Young Scientists, 2017-06-25/2017-06-30, Kruger Park (Afrique du Sud).
Dumont Y.. 2017. In : ICAMI 2017. San Andres : s.n., 1 p.. ICAMI 2017 (International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Informatics), 2017-11-26/2017-12-01, San Andres (Colombie).
Dumont Y.. 2017. s.l., 1 p.. MADEV 17 Mathématiques Appliquées à des questions de DEVeloppement, 2017-10-16/2017-10-19, Rabat (Maroc).
Couteron P., Tchuinte Tamen A., Yatat V., Deblauwe V., Bowong S., Tewa J.J., Dumont Y.. 2017. Kruger Park : s.n., 1 p.. Biomath 2017 : International Conference on Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences and a School for Young Scientists, 2017-06-25/2017-06-30, Kruger Park (Afrique du Sud).
Djoukwe Tapi M.S., Bagny L., Bowong S., Dumont Y.. 2017. Kruger Park : s.n., 1 poster. Biomath 2017 : International Conference on Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences and a School for Young Scientists, 2017-06-25/2017-06-30, Kruger Park (Afrique du Sud).
Dumont Y.. 2017. s.l., 1 p.. MADEV 17 Mathématiques Appliquées à des questions de DEVeloppement, 2017-10-16/2017-10-19, Rabat (Maroc).
Anguelov R., Bekker R., Dumont Y.. 2017. Kruger Park : s.n., 1 poster. Biomath 2017 : International Conference on Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences and a School for Young Scientists, 2017-06-25/2017-06-30, Kruger Park (Afrique du Sud).
Dumont Y., Soulie J.C., Michel F.. 2017. Kruger Park : s.n., 1 p.. Biomath 2017 : International Conference on Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences and a School for Young Scientists, 2017-06-25/2017-06-30, Kruger Park (Afrique du Sud).
Nembot Fomba C.G., Takam Soh P., Ten Hoopen G.M., Dumont Y.. 2017. Kruger Park : s.n., 1 p.. Biomath 2017 : International Conference on Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences and a School for Young Scientists, 2017-06-25/2017-06-30, Kruger Park (Afrique du Sud).
Nembot Fomba C.G., Takam Soh P., Ambang Z., Ten Hoopen G.M., Dumont Y.. 2017. In : Proceedings of the International Symposium on Cocoa Research 2017. Lima : ICCO, 11 p.. International Symposium on Cocoa Research – ISCR 2017 : Promoting Advances in Research to Enhance the Profitability of Cocoa Farming. 1, 2017-11-13/2017-11-17, Lima (Pérou).
Dumont Y., Thuilliez J.. 2016. Mathematical Biosciences, 281 : p. 9-23.
Tchuinte Tamen A., Dumont Y., Tewa J.J., Bowong S., Couteron P.. 2016. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 40 (11-12) : p. 6165-6197.
Dumont Y., Fourcaud T., Peynaud E.. 2016. Biomath Communications, 3 (1) : 1 p.. International Conference on Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences and School for Young Scientists, 2016-06-19/2016-06-25, Blagoevgrad (Bulgarie).
DOI: 10.11145/cb.v3i1.617
Anguelov R., Dufourd C., Dumont Y.. 2016. Biomath Communications, 3 (1) : 1 p.. International Conference on Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences and School for Young Scientists, 2016-06-19/2016-06-25, Blagoevgrad (Bulgarie).
DOI: 10.11145/cb.v3i1.618
Tchuinte Tamen A., Dumont Y., Bowong S., Tewa J.J., Couteron P.. 2016. Biomath Communications, 3 (1) : 1 p.. International Conference on Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences and School for Young Scientists, 2016-06-19/2016-06-25, Blagoevgrad (Bulgarie).
DOI: 10.11145/cb.v3i1.633
Dumont Y.. 2016. Biomath Communications, 3 (1) : 1 p.. International Conference on Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences and School for Young Scientists, 2016-06-19/2016-06-25, Blagoevgrad (Bulgarie).
Tchuinte Tamen A., Dumont Y., Bowong S., Tewa J.J., Couteron P.. 2016. Perpignan : Université de Perpignan, 1 p.. Emerging Trends in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics Conference (ETAMM 2016), 2016-05-30/2016-06-03, Perpignan (France).
Yatat V., Couteron P., Tewa J.J., Bowong S., Dumont Y.. 2016. In : EcoSummit 2016 - Ecological Sustainability: Engineering Change. Montpellier : INRA, 1 p.. International EcoSummit Congress 2016, 2016-08-29/2016-09-01, Montpellier (France).
Anguelov R., Dufourd C., Dumont Y.. 2016. Perpignan : Université de Perpignan, 1 p.. Emerging Trends in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics Conference (ETAMM 2016), 2016-05-30/2016-06-03, Perpignan (France).
Anguelov R., Dufourd C., Dumont Y.. 2016. Pretoria : SAMSA, 1 p.. Conference of the Southern Africa Mathematical Sciences Association, 2016-11-21/2016-11-24, Pretoria (Afrique du Sud).
Dufourd C., Anguelov R., Dumont Y.. 2016. Pretoria : University of Pretoria, 1 p.. South African Malaria Research Conference. 2, 2016-07-31/2016-08-02, Pretoria (Afrique du Sud).
Peynaud E., Fourcaud T., Dumont Y.. 2016. In : 2016 IEEE International Conference on Functional-Structural Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and Applications (FSPMA). Qingdao : IEEE, p. 158-166. International Conference on Functional-Structural Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and Applications, 2016-11-07/2016-11-11, Qingdao (Chine).
Chapwanya M., Dumont Y.. 2016. Pretoria : SAMSA, 1 p.. Conference of the Southern Africa Mathematical Sciences Association, 2016-11-21/2016-11-24, Pretoria (Afrique du Sud).
Dufourd C., Weldon C., Dumont Y., Anguelov R.. 2016. In : Tephritid Workers of Europe, Africa and the Middle East: 3rd International Symposium 11-14 April 2016 Stellenbosch, South Africa. Stellenbosch : TEAM, p. 106-106. International Symposium of Tephritid Workers of Europe, Africa and the Middle East (TEAM 2016). 3, 2016-04-11/2016-04-14, Stellenbosch (Afrique du Sud).
Dumont Y.. 2016. In : Models in Population Dynamics and Ecology. Marseille : s.n., 1 p.. International Conférence MPDE' 2016. 10, 2016-09-05/2016-09-09, Marseille (France).
Dumont Y., Paoli L.. 2015. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 22 : p. 520-536.
Gouagna L.C., Dehecq J.S., Fontenille D., Dumont Y., Boyer S.. 2015. Acta Tropica, 143 : p. 89-96.
Yatat Djeumen I.V., Couteron P., Tewa J.J., Bowong S., Dumont Y.. 2015. Biomath Communications, 2 (1) : 1 p.. International Conference on Mathematical methods and Models in Biosciences and Young Scientists School, 2015-07-12/2015-07-17, Pretoria (Afrique du Sud).
DOI: 10.11145/495
Dumont Y.. 2015. Biomath Communications, 2 (1) : 1 p.. International Conference on Mathematical methods and Models in Biosciences and Young Scientists School, 2015-07-12/2015-07-17, Pretoria (Afrique du Sud).
DOI: 10.11145/545
Tchuinte Tamen A., Dumont Y., Bowong S., Tewa J.J., Couteron P.. 2015. Biomath Communications, 2 (1) : 1 p.. International Conference on Mathematical methods and Models in Biosciences and Young Scientists School, 2015-07-12/2015-07-17, Pretoria (Afrique du Sud).
DOI: 10.11145/475
Anguelov R., Dufourd C., Dumont Y.. 2015. Biomath Communications, 2 (1) : 1 p.. International Conference on Mathematical methods and Models in Biosciences and Young Scientists School, 2015-07-12/2015-07-17, Pretoria (Afrique du Sud).
DOI: 10.11145/512
Dufourd C., Anguelov R., Dumont Y.. 2015. Pretoria : University of Pretoria, 1 p.. South African Symposium on Numerical and Applied Mathematics. 39, 2015-03-30/2015-04-01, Pretoria (Afrique du Sud).
Anguelov R., Dumont Y.. 2014. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 68 (9) : p. 903-904.
Lebon A., Mailleret L., Dumont Y., Grognard F.. 2014. Ecological Modelling, 290 : p. 192-203. International Symposium on Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and Applications (PMA12). 4, 2012-10-31/2012-11-03, Shanghai (Chine).
Anguelov R., Dumont Y., Lubuma J., Shillor M.. 2014. Journal of Computational and Applied mathematics, 255 : p. 161-182.
Fourcaud T., Kang M.Z., Dumont Y., Guo Y.. 2014. Ecological Modelling, 290 : p. 1-2. International Symposium on Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and Applications (PMA12). 4, 2012-10-31/2012-11-03, Shanghai (Chine).
Mathieu A., Dumont Y., Chiroleu F., Duyck P.F., Flores O., Lebreton G., Reynaud B., Quilici S.. 2014. Biocontrol, 59 (4) : p. 461-471.
Tchuinte Tamen A., Tewa J.J., Couteron P., Bowong S., Dumont Y.. 2014. Biomath, 3 (2) : p. 1-18.
Yatat V., Dumont Y., Tewa J.J., Couteron P., Bowong S.. 2014. Biomath, 3 (1) : 18 p..
Anguelov R., Dufourd C., Dumont Y.. 2014. Biomath Communications, 1 (1) : 1 p..
DOI: 10.11145/270
Dumont Y., Fourcaud T., Peynaud E.. 2014. In : 9th European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology (ECMTB 2014), 15-19 June 2014, Gothenburg, Sweden. s.l. : s.n., 2 p.. European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology. 9, 2014-06-15/2014-06-19, Gothenburg (Suède).
Dufourd C., Dumont Y.. 2013. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 66 (9) : p. 1695-1715.
Stability analysis and dynamics preserving nonstandard finite difference schemes for a malaria model
Anguelov R., Dumont Y., Lubuma J., Mureithi E.. 2013. Mathematical Population Studies, 20 (2) : p. 101-122.
Bowong S., Dumont Y., Tewa J.J.. 2013. Biomath, 2 (1) : 19 p..
Dufourd C., Weldon C., Anguelov R., Dumont Y.. 2013. Biomath, 2 (2) : 10 p..
Bessoud A.L., Dumont Y., Fourcaud T.. 2013. In : R. Anguelov and E. Nikolova. Conference book BIOMATH 2013 (International conference on Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences ), Sofia, Bulgaria, 16 June to 21 June 2013. s.l. : s.n., p. 36-36. International conference on Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences, 2013-06-16/2013-06-21, Sofia (Bulgarie).
Mathieu A., Chesnais Q., Dumont Y., Dourdaine A., Moussady A., Flores O., Reynaud B., Quilici S.. 2013. In : INRA ; UM2. 17ème Colloque de Biologie de l'Insecte (CBI 2013), Montpellier, France, 7-9 octobre 2013. s.l. : s.n., 1 p.. Colloque de Biologie de l'Insecte. 17, 2013-10-07/2013-10-09, Montpellier (France).
Yatat Djeumen I.V., Dumont Y., Tewa J.J., Couteron P., Bowong S.. 2013. In : R. Anguelov and E. Nikolova. Conference book BIOMATH 2013 (International conference on Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences ), Sofia, Bulgaria, 16 June to 21 June 2013. s.l. : s.n., p. 45-45. International conference on Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences, 2013-06-16/2013-06-21, Sofia (Bulgarie).
Dumont Y., Mathieu A., Quilici S.. 2013. In : Eds. Risto Sievänen, Eero Nikinmaa, Christophe Godin, Anna Lintunen, Pekka Nygren. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Functional-Structural Plant Models (FSPM2013), Saariselkä, Finland, 9-14 June 2013. Vantaa : Finnish Society of Forest Science, p. 369-371. International Conference on Functional-Structural Plant Models. 7, 2013-06-09/2013-06-14, Saariselkä (Finlande).
Tchuinte Tamen A., Tewa J.J., Couteron P., Bowong S., Dumont Y.. 2013. In : R. Anguelov and E. Nikolova. Conference book BIOMATH 2013 (International conference on Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences ), Sofia, Bulgaria, 16 June to 21 June 2013. s.l. : s.n., p. 46-46. International conference on Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences, 2013-06-16/2013-06-21, Sofia (Bulgarie).
Dumont Y.. 2013. In : International Conference on Stochastic Models in Ecology, Evolution and Genetics (SMEEG 2013), Angers, France, 9-13 December 2013. s.l. : s.n., p. 28-29.
Dumont Y.. 2013. In : R. Anguelov and E. Nikolova. Conference book BIOMATH 2013 (International conference on Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences ), Sofia, Bulgaria, 16 June to 21 June 2013. s.l. : s.n., p. 47-47. International conference on Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences, 2013-06-16/2013-06-21, Sofia (Bulgarie).
Bonneu A., Dumont Y., Rey H., Jourdan C., Fourcaud T.. 2012. Plant and Soil, 354 (1-2) : p. 211-227.
Guillon T., Dumont Y., Fourcaud T.. 2012. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 55 (9-10) : p. 2061-2077.
Andrews K.T., Dumont Y., M'Bengue M.F., Purcell J., Shillor M.. 2012. Zeitschrift fuer Angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 63 (6) : p. 1005-1019.
Anguelov R., Dumont Y., Lubuma J.. 2012. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 64 (3) : p. 374-389.
Dumont Y., Tchuenche J.M.. 2012. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 65 (5) : p. 800-854.
Guillon T., Dumont Y., Fourcaud T.. 2012. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 64 (3) : p. 289-309.
Kang M.Z. (ed.), Dumont Y. (ed.), Guo Y. (ed.). 2012. Piscataway : IEEE, 472 p.. International Symposium on Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and Applications (PMA12). 4, 2012-10-31/2012-11-03, Shanghai (Chine).
Bonneu A., Tillier E., Pagès L., Dumont Y., Rey H., Jourdan C., Fourcaud T.. 2012. In : International Network of Soil Bio- and Eco-Engineers. 3rd International Conference on "Soil Bio- and Eco-engineering. The Use of Vegetation to Improve Slope Stability" Vancouver, Canada, 23-27 July 2012. s.l. : s.n., 1 p.. International Conference on "Soil Bio- and Eco-engineering. The Use of Vegetation to Improve Slope Stability". 3, 2012-07-23/2012-07-27, Vancouver (Canada).
Anguelov R., Lubuma J., Dumont Y.. 2012. In : Kang Meng Zhen (ed.), Dumont Yves (ed.), Guo Yan (ed.). Plant growth modeling, simulation, visualization and applications. Proceedings PMA12 : The Fourth International Symposium on Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and Applications, Shanghai, China, 31 October-3 November 2012. Piscataway : IEEE, p. 22-29. International Symposium on Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and Applications (PMA12). 4, 2012-10-31/2012-11-03, Shanghai (Chine).
Mathieu A., Chiroleu F., Quilici S., Flores O., Dumont Y.. 2012. In : International Conference on Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences (BIOMATHS 2012), Sofia, Bulgaria, 17-22 June 2012. s.l. : s.n., p. 30-30. International Conference on Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences, 2011-06-15/2011-06-18, Sofia (Bulgarie).
Lebon A., Dumont Y., Grognard F., Mailleret L.. 2012. In : Kang Meng Zhen (ed.), Dumont Yves (ed.), Guo Yan (ed.). Plant growth modeling, simulation, visualization and applications. Proceedings PMA12 : The Fourth International Symposium on Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and Applications, Shanghai, China, 31 October-3 November 2012. Piscataway : IEEE, p. 212-219. International Symposium on Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and Applications (PMA12). 4, 2012-10-31/2012-11-03, Shanghai (Chine).
Dumont Y.. 2012. In : eds. Todorov Michail D., Christov Christo I. Application of Mathematics in Technical and Natural Sciences : Proccedings of the 4th International Conference - AMiTaNS'12, Varna, Bulgaria, June 11-16, 2012. Melville : AIP, p. 212-219. (AIP Conference Proceedings, 1487). Conference of the Euro-American Consortium for Promoting the Application of Mathematics in Technical and Natural Sciences. 4, 2012-06-11/2012-06-16, Varna (Bulgarie).
DOI: 10.1063/1.4758961
Guillon T., Dumont Y., Fourcaud T.. 2012. In : Kang Meng Zhen (ed.), Dumont Yves (ed.), Guo Yan (ed.). Plant growth modeling, simulation, visualization and applications. Proceedings PMA12 : The Fourth International Symposium on Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and Applications, Shanghai, China, 31 October-3 November 2012. Piscataway : IEEE, p. 117-124. International Symposium on Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and Applications (PMA12). 4, 2012-10-31/2012-11-03, Shanghai (Chine).
Dumont Y., Dufourd C.. 2012. In : eds. Todorov Michail D., Christov Christo I. Application of Mathematics in Technical and Natural Sciences : Proccedings of the 3rd International Conference - AMiTaNS'11, Albena, Bulgaria, 20-25 June 2011. Melville : AIP, p. 162-167. (AIP Conference Proceedings, 1404). International Conference on Application of Mathematics in Technical and Natural Sciences 2011, 2011-06-20/2011-06-25, Albena (Bulgarie).
DOI: 10.1063/1.3659916
Boyer S., Gilles J., Dumont Y., Gouagna L.C., Lemperière G., Fontenille D.. 2012. In : E-sove 2012 : from biology to integrated control in a changing world. Abstract book. Montpellier : European Society for Vector Ecology, p. 51-52. Conférence E-SOVE. 18, 2012-10-08/2012-10-11, Montpellier (France).
Dumont Y.. 2011. In : International Conference on Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences, Sofia, Bulgaria, 15-18 June, 2011. s.l. : s.n., 2 p.. International Conference on Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences, 2011-06-15/2011-06-18, Sofia (Bulgarie).
Fourcaud T., Guillon T., Dumont Y.. 2011. In : Simos Theodore E. (ed.), Psihoyios George (ed.), Tsitouras C. (ed.). Numerical analysis and applied mathematics : International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2011, Halkidiki, Crete, Greece, 19-25 September 2011. Melville : AIP, p. 734-737. (AIP Conference proceedings, 1389). International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2011, 2011-09-19/2011-09-25, Halkidiki (Grèce).
Dumont Y.. 2011. In : 8th European Conference on Mathematical and Theorical Biology (ECMTB 2011), Cracovie, Pologne, 28 juin au 2 juillet 2011. s.l. : s.n., 1 p.. European Conference on Mathematical and Theorical Biology. 8, 2011-06-28/2011-07-02, Cracovie (Pologne).
Boyer S., Lemperière G., Dehecq J.S., Dumont Y., Dufourd C.. 2011. In : IALE. 8th IALE World Congress, Beijing, China, August 18-23, 2011. s.l. : s.n., 1 p.. International Association of Landscape Ecology World Congress. 8, 2011-08-18/2011-08-23, Pékin (Chine).
Anguelov R., Dumont Y., Lubuma J.. 2011. In : eds. Todorov Michail D., Christov Christo I. Application of Mathematics in Technical and Natural Sciences : Proccedings of the 3rd International Conference - AMiTaNS'11, Albena, Bulgaria, 20-25 June 2011. Melville : AIP, p. 155-161. (AIP Conference Proceedings, 1404). International Conference on Application of Mathematics in Technical and Natural Sciences 2011, 2011-06-20/2011-06-25, Albena (Bulgarie).
DOI: 10.1063/1.3659915
Dumont Y.. 2011. In : Simos Theodore E. (ed.), Psihoyios George (ed.), Tsitouras C. (ed.). Numerical analysis and applied mathematics : International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2011, Halkidiki, Crete, Greece, 19-25 September 2011. Melville : AIP, p. 1244-1247. (AIP Conference proceedings, 1389). International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2011, 2011-09-19/2011-09-25, Halkidiki (Grèce).
DOI: 10.1063/1.3637842
Lebon A., Mailleret L., Grognard F., Dumont Y.. 2011. In : AFPP. 9ème Conférence internationale sur les ravageurs en agriculture, Montpellier, France, 25 au 27 octobre 2011. s.l. : s.n., 1 p.. Conférence internationale sur les ravageurs en agriculture. 9, 2011-10-26/2011-10-27, Montpellier (France).
Lebon A., Mailleret L., Grognard F., Dumont Y.. 2011. In : Les cochenilles : ravageur principal ou secondaire ? : 9ème Conférence Internationale sur les Ravageurs en Agriculture, Montpellier (France), 25-26 et 27 octobre 2011. Paris : AFPP, p. 777-777. Colloque sur les cochenilles : ravageur principal ou secondaire. 9, 2011-10-25, Montpellier (France).
Dumont Y.. 2011. In : Simos Theodore E. (ed.), Psihoyios George (ed.), Tsitouras C. (ed.). Numerical analysis and applied mathematics : International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2011, Halkidiki, Crete, Greece, 19-25 September 2011. Melville : AIP, 1 p.. (AIP Conference proceedings, 1389). International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2011, 2011-09-19/2011-09-25, Halkidiki (Grèce).
Dufourd C., Dumont Y.. 2011. In : 8th European Conference on Mathematical and Theorical Biology (ECMTB 2011), Cracovie, Pologne, 28 juin au 2 juillet 2011. s.l. : s.n., 1 p.. European Conference on Mathematical and Theorical Biology. 8, 2011-06-28/2011-07-02, Cracovie (Pologne).
Anguelov R., Dumont Y., Lubuma J.. 2011. In : International Conference on Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences, Sofia, Bulgaria, 15-18 June, 2011. s.l. : s.n., 1 p.. International Conference on Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences, 2011-06-15/2011-06-18, Sofia (Bulgarie).
Dumont Y., Russell J.C., Lecomte V., Le Corre M.. 2010. Natural Resource Modeling, 23 (3) : p. 381-436.
Dumont Y., Chiroleu F.. 2010. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 7 (2) : p. 313-345.
Dumont Y., Tchuenche J.M.. 2010. In : 1st Conference on Computational and Mathematical Population Dynamics, May 31 to June 4, 2010 , Bordeaux, France. s.l. : s.n., 1 p.. Conference on Computational and Mathematical Population Dynamics. 1, 2010-05-31/2010-06-04, Bordeaux (France).
Dumont Y., Russell J.C.. 2010. In : 1st Conference on Computational and Mathematical Population Dynamics, May 31 to June 4, 2010 , Bordeaux, France. s.l. : s.n., 1 p.. Conference on Computational and Mathematical Population Dynamics. 1, 2010-05-31/2010-06-04, Bordeaux (France).
Russell J.C., Lecomte V., Dumont Y., Le Corre M.. 2010. In : Pacific Seabird Group. 1st World Seabird Conference, Victoria, Canada, September 7-10, 2010. s.l. : s.n., 1 p.. World Seabird Conference. 1, 2010-09-07/2010-09-10, Victoria (Canada).
Bonneu A., Dumont Y., Jourdan C., Rey H., Fourcaud T.. 2010. In : Dejong Thedore M. (ed.), Da Silva David (ed.). Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Functional-Structural Plant Models, FSPM 2010, September 12-17, 2010, University of California, Davis (USA). Davis : University of California, p. 194-196. International Workshop on Functional-Structural Plant Models. 6, 2010-09-12/2010-09-17, Davis (Etats-Unis).
Anguelov R., Dumont Y., Lubuma J., Mureithi E.. 2010. In : IMU. International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM 2010), Hyderabad, India, 19-20 August 2010. s.l. : s.n., 1 p.. International Congress of Mathematicians, 2010-08-19/2010-08-27, Hyderabad (Inde).
Dumont Y.. 2010. In : First Workshop Dynamical Systems Applied to Biology and Natural Sciences, Lisbon, Portugal, 1-3 February 2010. s.l. : s.n., 1 p.. Workshop Dynamical Systems Applied to Biology and Natural Sciences. 1, 2010-02-01/2010-02-03, Lisbonne (Portugal).
Russell J.C., Lecomte V., Dumont Y., Le Corre M.. 2009. Ecological Modelling, 220 (8) : p. 1098-1104.
Anguelov R., Dumont Y., Lubuma J., Shillor M.. 2009. In : Psihoyios George (ed.), Tsitouras C. (ed.), Simos Theodore E. (ed.). Numerical analysis and applied mathematics : International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2009, Rethymno, Crete, Greece, 18-22 September 2009. Melville : AIP, p. 1209-1212. (AIP Conference proceedings, 1168). International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2009, 2009-09-18/2009-09-22, Rethymnon (Grèce).
DOI: 10.1063/1.3241285
Anguelov R., Dumont Y., Lubuma J., Shillor M.. 2009. In : Psihoyios George (ed.), Tsitouras C. (ed.), Simos Theodore E. (ed.). Numerical analysis and applied mathematics : International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2009, Rethymno, Crete, Greece, 18-22 September 2009. Melville : AIP, p. 1213-1216. (AIP Conference proceedings, 1168). International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2009, 2009-09-18/2009-09-22, Rethymnon (Grèce).
DOI: 10.1063/1.3241286
Dumont Y.. 2009. Saint-Denis : Université de la Réunion, 246 p.. Habilitation à diriger des recherches.
Dumont Y., Chiroleu F., Domerg C.. 2008. Mathematical Biosciences, 213 (1) : p. 80-91.
Dumont Y., Chiroleu F., Domerg C.. 2007. In : Institut de veille sanitaire. Colloque international Chikungunya et autres arboviroses émergentes en milieu tropical, Saint Pierre, Réunion, 3-4 décembre 2007. s.l. : s.n., 1 p.. Colloque international Chikungunya et autres arboviroses émergentes en milieu tropical, 2007-12-03/2007-12-04, Saint-Pierre (Réunion).